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Libary Variables

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:57 pm
by Brandon
I made a library, and it has shared variables, but when I use the library I can't use them in my program. So like In the library the Start command loads RESX AND RESY so if I include my library and do "Start: Print RESX , RESY" I get zeros. Is there anyway I can "share" them between the library and the program?

Dunno bout that

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:15 pm
by burger2227
Libraries are used to work with a program's code. Not send values to a program as far as I know. For instance, the QB45 library can work with Interrupt, but it does not tell you anything. It works with values that your program sends to Interrupt.

Libraries are just ways to work with a program procedure. They must be flexible to be used in other programs. You could create some SUBs and create a library. Like a SUB, the values sent determine the answer returned.
