HTML to QB Colors

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HTML to QB Colors

Post by DDastardly71 »

Does anybody know how to convert HTML colors (i.e. #FF0000 Red) to QB's SCREEN 0 colors?

I tried using the PALETTE command which has a range of (0-63) but the HTML RGB colors has a range of (0-255).

Is there a formula for this conversion?
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Post by burger2227 »

Since HTML values are 4 times what QB color values are, convert from Hex to decimal and divide by 4. (255 \ 4 = 63). Use Integer division or it will round up!

That should get you close.

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Post by DDastardly71 »

Thanks, that works great.

The only thing is that I can't get it to work on SCREEN 0, only on SCREEN 12.
What I'm trying to do is to display a text starting with black and slowly increasing in intensity until it reaches maximum color. I guess PALETTE doesn't work well on SCREEN 0. SCREEN 12 it is then. Thanks again.
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Post by angros47 »

Here is an old program i wrote, to convert HTM files to ANSI TXT files (it needs ANSI.SYS loaded in dos)

I hope it could help

Code: Select all

' HTML to TXT filter
M = INSTR(Comm$, " ")
IF M = 0 THEN PRINT "Please enter input and output files": END
In$ = LEFT$(Comm$, M)
Out$ = MID$(Comm$, M + 1)
CS$ = "40"
CT$ = "37": Testo = 0

S = 1
  P$ = ""
  IF EOF(1) THEN PRINT #2, CHR$(27) + "[0;37;40m": END
  LINE INPUT #1, a$
  M = 0
  FOR I = 1 TO LEN(a$)
    M = M + 1
    V$ = MID$(a$, M): R$ = LEFT$(V$, 1)
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 6)) = """ THEN R$ = CHR$(34): M = M + 5
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "è" THEN R$ = "?": M = M + 7
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "é" THEN R$ = "?": M = M + 7
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "à" THEN R$ = "?": M = M + 7
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "ò" THEN R$ = "?": M = M + 7
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "ù" THEN R$ = "?": M = M + 7
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 5)) = "&" THEN R$ = "&": M = M + 4
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 4)) = "<" THEN R$ = "<": M = M + 3
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 4)) = ">" THEN R$ = ">": M = M + 3
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 4)) = "<hr>" THEN R$ = STRING$(80, "-"): M = M + 3
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 5)) = "<font" THEN Font = 1
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 7)) = "</font>" THEN R$ = CHR$(27) + "[0;" + CS$ + ";" + CT$ + "m": M = M + 6
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 4)) = "<li>" THEN R$ = "?": M = M + 3
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 3)) = "<b>" THEN R$ = CHR$(27) + "[1;" + CS$ + ";" + CT$ + "m": M = M + 2
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 4)) = "</b>" THEN R$ = CHR$(27) + "[0;" + CS$ + ";" + CT$ + "m": M = M + 3
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 7)) = "<blink>" THEN R$ = CHR$(27) + "[5;" + CS$ + ";" + CT$ + "m": M = M + 6
    IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "</blink>" THEN R$ = CHR$(27) + "[0;" + CS$ + ";" + CT$ + "m": M = M + 7

    IF S = 0 THEN
      IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 10)) = "bgcolor=" + CHR$(34) + "#" THEN
        C$ = MID$(V$, 11, 6): Red = 0: Green = 0: Blue = 0
        IF MID$(C$, 1, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 1, 1)) = 0 THEN Blue = 1
        IF MID$(C$, 3, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 3, 1)) = 0 THEN Green = 1
        IF MID$(C$, 5, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 5, 1)) = 0 THEN Red = 1
        Colore = Blue * 4 + Green * 2 + Red * 1: IF Testo = 0 AND Colore = 7 THEN Testo = 1: CT$ = "30"
        CS$ = MID$(STR$(40 + Colore), 2)
        P$ = P$ + CHR$(27) + "[0;" + CS$ + ";" + CT$ + "m"
      END IF
      IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 7)) = "text=" + CHR$(34) + "#" THEN
        C$ = MID$(V$, 11, 6): Red = 0: Green = 0: Blue = 0
        IF MID$(C$, 1, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 1, 1)) = 0 THEN Blue = 1
        IF MID$(C$, 3, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 3, 1)) = 0 THEN Green = 1
        IF MID$(C$, 5, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 5, 1)) = 0 THEN Red = 1
        Colore = Blue * 4 + Green * 2 + Red * 1
        CT$ = MID$(STR$(30 + Colore), 2)
        P$ = P$ + CHR$(27) + "[0;" + CT$ + ";" + CS$ + "m"
      END IF
      IF LCASE$(LEFT$(V$, 8)) = "color=" + CHR$(34) + "#" AND Font THEN
        C$ = MID$(V$, 11, 6): Red = 0: Green = 0: Blue = 0
        IF MID$(C$, 1, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 1, 1)) = 0 THEN Blue = 1
        IF MID$(C$, 3, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 3, 1)) = 0 THEN Green = 1
        IF MID$(C$, 5, 1) <> "0" AND VAL(MID$(C$, 5, 1)) = 0 THEN Red = 1
        Colore = Blue * 4 + Green * 2 + Red * 1
        P$ = P$ + CHR$(27) + "[0;" + MID$(STR$(30 + Colore), 2) + ";" + CS$ + "m"
      END IF

    END IF
    IF R$ = CHR$(10) THEN R$ = CHR$(13)
    IF R$ = "<" THEN S = 0
    IF S THEN P$ = P$ + R$
    IF R$ = ">" THEN S = 1: Font = 0
  PRINT #2, P$
  'SLEEP 1


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Post by burger2227 »

Some screen modes like 0, 7 and 9 use DAC color assignments. Some of those settings may be different than the default attribute settings in screen 12 and 13.

There is a way to convert DAC to default, but it involves setting all DAC values to normal attribute values and then restoring all default settings or Pallette settings to new RGB values.

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