Assembler / Machine Language

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Assembler / Machine Language

Post by mestrinho »


I have been programming in QuickBasic for as long as I can remember...

I now have a small 143 line routine in one of my programs that I would like to rewrite in assembler/machine code to drastically improve performance. It is a pretty straightforward routine with various cycles performing compares and moves amongst static arrays.

If anyone is able to help me in rewriting this code, I would greatly appreciate.
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Try tutorials

Post by burger2227 »

There are several tutorials here on Assembly. You may want to get ahold of Nasm or another assembler program.

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Post by mestrinho »

Yes, thanks burger2227.

My problem is I do not have much time on my hands at this moment and I have other QB routines to write. What I am wishing is that someone visiting this forum is willing to rewrite this small portion of code in Assembler/Machine code.

The code in question is on another machine and I will post it here as soon as I can.

Thank you.
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Michael Calkins
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Post by Michael Calkins »

I'll take a look at it when you post it. I usually don't frequent this forum as much as the network54 one, but I'll check back here.
I can probably write a Call Absolute version suitable for QBASIC 1.1 as well as QB. If you want an actual module to link with QB 4.5, I don't have experience with QB 4.5, but the code could be adapted.
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Post by mestrinho »

Ok... here is the code I would like to have transformed into assembler / machine code. I have cut out all code that will remain as QB.

I am using Microsoft (R) QuickBASIC Extended v7.1 ... has always been my programming language

Code: Select all

Last edited by mestrinho on Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Michael Calkins
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Post by Michael Calkins »

So it isn't just data manipulation... It has user interaction and file i/o... that is going to be more work.

Already I see some things in this routine that would not be practical in a Call Absolute routine. END, RANDOMIZE, and RND are not things I want to implement.

I have a number of initial questions...
The number of END IFs in the section is not correct. Please verify your IF...END IF blocks. Also please verify your FOR...NEXT blocks.
This line looks like a mistake:

IF melh <5> 99 THEN

this expression will always have a value of 0.

Perhaps if you could please post the corrected code in code blocks like this:

Code: Select all

[code]put code here
[/code] it should probably preserve indentation.

I cannot implement RANDOMIZE, RND, or END. You should not try to end your program from a Call Absolute routine. Perhaps from a module you could call the appropriate functions in the QB/PDS runtime environment??

also, there seem to be undimensioned, uninitialized variables. For example, the first executable line is

IF qtap < bestval THEN

well I guess these are INTEGERs that are initially 0, but I don't know for sure.

There is also the question of scope. What variables/arrays need to be shared with the calling code? It looks like the ones you DIMensioned at the start are ones that would be in the calling code and passed to the routine. Are all other variables local to the routine? Please specify the parameters passed to the routine, and the returned information, if any. Converting the section to a SUB or FUNCTION in the pure QB version would help you build a profile of what needs to be passed.

This must be viewed a modular way. Things like CLOSE and RESET are broad... Are they affecting files opened elsewhere in the program, or are they just for that one file? Why are you using RESET after CLOSE anyway?

Rather than converting the whole section all at once, it might be advisable to convert small portions of it, specifically the loops that do not contain any reliance on RANDOMIZE/RND. This may or may not result in a performance increase.

' values of elements in above arrays will always be between 0 and 255

cool. I can use 8 bit registers. Perhaps the arrays could be converted to fixed length strings to save space?

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Post by TmEE »

While your going to make ASM, optimize the QB code... make lots of use of numbers that are powers of 2, also start things form 0 not 1. 256 is a BEAUTIFUL number, you can make tons of optimizations around it, and it fits well for x86 and Z80 (for which I usually write my ASM code).
Mida sa loed ? Nagunii aru ei saa :P
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Post by mestrinho »

Yes, it fits perfectly for x86 and Z80.

1) I am going to "correct" it so numbers vary between 0 and 255.
2) I am also going to take out the i/o, rnd and randomize parts to ease it up...
3) I will also prepare an array with random numbers to be used within the assembler routine as if it were the rnd function ;)

I will post the "corrected" code shortly...

By the way, all variables are integers with exception of variables "cyclez" and "cycle" which are LONG Integers

I see now that the code I posted had various errors... this is due to the fact that when I first posted it, I had not inserted the

Code: Select all

[/code] so some of the code was transformed into smileys... and instead of re-pasting the correct code again I simply tried to correct what was already posted resulting in several errors and also the "disappearance" of some code...
I am going to post the correct code already striped of i/o, etc....
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Michael Calkins
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Post by Michael Calkins »

Thank you, mestrinho. As for the file i/o, the screen output, and the keyboard polling, this is all possible. I might not be able to duplicate QBASIC's exact behavior, but the effective result would be similar. The file i/o would take some research, but is possible. The keyboard polling you might leave in there to be able to escape the routine... Might use a byref variable to inform the calling code of early termination.
Regards, Michael
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Post by mestrinho »

Ok... finally managed to post the code...
All variables are integers with exception of variable cycle which is a LONG Integer

Code: Select all


DIM arr1(4000, 4), ar0(500, 3)
DIM tmp(200, 4), ok(50, 3)
DIM ar1(50, 3), rndnumb(4095)

'... inicial QB code goes here
'... following code is to be assembler...

exitcode = 0
qttmp = 0
qtp0 = qtp

FOR i1 = 1 TO qtp - 4
 'LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT i1;
 FOR i2 = i1 + 1 TO qtp - 3
  'LOCATE 1, 4: PRINT i2;
  FOR i3 = i2 + 1 TO qtp - 2
   'LOCATE 1, 7: PRINT i3;
   FOR i4 = i3 + 1 TO qtp - 1
    FOR i5 = i4 + 1 TO qtp
     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig
      FOR i7 = 1 TO qtp
       IF i7 <> i1 AND i7 <> i2 AND i7 <> i3 AND i7 <> i4 AND i7 <i5> 1 THEN EXIT FOR
       END IF
      IF i7 > qtp THEN
       qttmp = qttmp + 1
       FOR i8 = 1 TO 3
        tmp(qttmp, i8) = arr1(i6, i8)
      END IF
     qtorig1 = qttmp
     ERASE ar1
     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
      tmp(i6, 0) = 1: tmp(i6, 4) = 0

     tenta = 0
     melh = 999
     qtnv = 0
     qtemp = qtorig1

     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
      IF tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN tmp(i6, 0) = 1 ELSE tmp(i6, 0) = 0

     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1 - 1
      IF tmp(i6, 4) <> 255 THEN
       FOR i7 = i6 + 1 TO qtorig1
        IF tmp(i7, 4) <255> 1 THEN
           IF tmp(i7, 4) = 0 THEN tmp(i6, 0) = tmp(i6, 0) + 1
           IF tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN tmp(i7, 0) = tmp(i7, 0) + 1
          END IF
         END IF
        END IF
      END IF

     maior = 0: ind = 0
     rndindex = rndindex + 1
     IF rndindex > 4095 THEN rndindex = 0
     k = rndnumb(rndindex) MOD 9
     k = k + 9
     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
      IF tmp(i6, 0) > 0 AND tmp(i6, 0) > maior THEN
       maior = tmp(i6, 0): ind = i6: k = k - 1
       IF k = 0 THEN EXIT FOR
      END IF

     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
      IF tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN
       qt = 0
       FOR k = 1 TO 3
        IF tmp(i6, k) = tmp(ind, k) THEN qt = qt + 1
       IF qt > 1 AND tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN qtemp = qtemp - 1
       IF qt = 3 THEN tmp(i6, 4) = 255
       IF qt = 2 THEN tmp(i6, 4) = 128
      END IF

     qtnv = qtnv + 1
     FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar1(qtnv, i6) = tmp(ind, i6): NEXT

     IF qtemp > 0 THEN
      IF qtnv < melh - 1 GOTO Ciclo1
     END IF

     tenta = tenta + 1
     IF qtnv < melh AND qtemp = 0 THEN
      melh = qtnv
      FOR i6 = 1 TO melh
       FOR i7 = 1 TO 3: ok(i6, i7) = ar1(i6, i7): NEXT
      IF melh < 5 THEN
       cycle = cycle + 1
       IF cycle MOD 50 = 0 THEN
        'LOCATE 5, 11: PRINT cycle;
       END IF
       GOTO Continuar
      END IF
     END IF
     IF tenta > 99 THEN cycle = cycle + 1: GOTO Continuar

     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1: tmp(i6, 4) = 0: NEXT

     FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
      rndindex = rndindex + 1
      IF rndindex > 4095 THEN rndindex = 0
      k = rndnumb(rndindex) MOD qtorig1
      k = k + 1
      FOR i7 = 1 TO 3
       SWAP tmp(i6, i7), tmp(k, i7)
     qtnv = 0
     qtemp = qtorig1
     GOTO Ciclo1

     IF melh <5> 1 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i2, i6) = ok(2, i6): NEXT
      IF melh > 2 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i3, i6) = ok(3, i6): NEXT
      IF melh > 3 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i4, i6) = ok(4, i6): NEXT
      IF melh < 4 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i4, i6) = ar0(qtp - 1, i6): NEXT
      IF melh < 3 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i3, i6) = ar0(qtp - 2, i6): NEXT
      IF melh < 2 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i2, i6) = ar0(qtp - 3, i6): NEXT
      FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i5, i6) = ar0(qtp, i6): NEXT
      qtp = qtp - 5 + melh
      'LOCATE 8, 19: PRINT qtp;
     END IF
     qttmp = 0
     IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
   IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
   IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
  IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
  y$ = INKEY$
  IF y$ = CHR$(27) GOTO TheEnd0
 IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
FOR i1 = 1 TO qtorig: arr1(i1, 4) = 0: NEXT
exitcode = 1
exitcode = -1
'exit point of assembler code

'... final QB code goes here
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Michael Calkins
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Post by Michael Calkins »

Thanks you for posting the code.

It seems to have too many END IFs. You are aware, I assume, that if you put a statement on the same line, following the THEN keyword, that it is just one line, there is no block, and no END IF.

Code: Select all

IF true THEN doit
'no IF block, no END IF

IF true THEN
 doit          'this is in the IF block
END IF          'END IF required
For example, with:

Code: Select all

IF melh <5> 1 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i2, i6) = ok(2, i6): NEXT
, not only is the melh <5> 1 type problem still there, but there is code on the same line after the THEN. There is no IF block, just the code on the same line. You have indented the lines after that line, as if they were in the block, but they aren't. Also, the END IF after that is extra. There are 2 solutions there: delete the END IF, or move the FOR loop to the next line, so that THEN is not followed by anything on the same line. The difference is whether you want the other lines to be in an IF block or not.

Your code, as is, has 4 too many END IF statements.

I am scheduled to work about 46 hours (7 days) this week, and about 41 hours (6 days) next week. As I like to enjoy some free time, I won't be able to spend very much time on this. However, I will work on it, but it might take me a while to finish.

Bring on the Maulotaurs! oops...
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Post by mestrinho »


? The code is correct and compiles correctly without errors...
? But I noticed now that once again, there was a problem with the copy / paste into the forum :( grrrrrrrr.... I must disable everything, smilies, html, BBCode, etc... otherwise some of the variables are transformed to smilies and blocks of code are simply "cut out" !!! I do not understand why this happens... I think something is very wrong with BBCode/HTML... :((

? Yes, this is correct... "a statement on the same line, following the THEN keyword, that it is just one line, there is no block, and no END IF"

Thank you

Below I have re-pasted the source code, this time with none of the following activated: BBCode, Smilies and HTML. This way, all the code is correctly posted !... But unfortunately, because of this, one cannot see the indents... :(((

All variables are integers with exception of variable cycle which is a LONG Integer


DIM arr1(4000, 4), ar0(500, 3)
DIM tmp(200, 4), ok(50, 3)
DIM ar1(50, 3), rndnumb(4095)

'... inicial QB code goes here
'... following code is to be assembler...

exitcode = 0
qttmp = 0
qtp0 = qtp

FOR i1 = 1 TO qtp - 4
'LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT i1;
FOR i2 = i1 + 1 TO qtp - 3
'LOCATE 1, 4: PRINT i2;
FOR i3 = i2 + 1 TO qtp - 2
'LOCATE 1, 7: PRINT i3;
FOR i4 = i3 + 1 TO qtp - 1
FOR i5 = i4 + 1 TO qtp
FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig
FOR i7 = 1 TO qtp
IF i7 <> i1 AND i7 <> i2 AND i7 <> i3 AND i7 <> i4 AND i7 <> i5 THEN
qt = 0
FOR i8 = 1 TO 3
IF arr1(i6, i8) = ar0(i7, i8) THEN qt = qt + 1
IF i7 > qtp THEN
qttmp = qttmp + 1
FOR i8 = 1 TO 3
tmp(qttmp, i8) = arr1(i6, i8)
qtorig1 = qttmp

FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
tmp(i6, 0) = 1: tmp(i6, 4) = 0

tenta = 0
melh = 999
qtnv = 0
qtemp = qtorig1

FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
IF tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN tmp(i6, 0) = 1 ELSE tmp(i6, 0) = 0

FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1 - 1
IF tmp(i6, 4) <> 255 THEN
FOR i7 = i6 + 1 TO qtorig1
IF tmp(i7, 4) <> 255 THEN
IF tmp(i7, 4) = 0 OR tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN
qt = 0
FOR k = 1 TO 3
IF tmp(i6, k) = tmp(i7, k) THEN qt = qt + 1
IF qt > 1 THEN
IF tmp(i7, 4) = 0 THEN tmp(i6, 0) = tmp(i6, 0) + 1
IF tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN tmp(i7, 0) = tmp(i7, 0) + 1

maior = 0: ind = 0
rndindex = rndindex + 1
IF rndindex > 4095 THEN rndindex = 0
k = rndnumb(rndindex) MOD 9
k = k + 9
FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
IF tmp(i6, 0) > 0 AND tmp(i6, 0) > maior THEN
maior = tmp(i6, 0): ind = i6: k = k - 1

FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
IF tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN
qt = 0
FOR k = 1 TO 3
IF tmp(i6, k) = tmp(ind, k) THEN qt = qt + 1
IF qt > 1 AND tmp(i6, 4) = 0 THEN qtemp = qtemp - 1
IF qt = 3 THEN tmp(i6, 4) = 255
IF qt = 2 THEN tmp(i6, 4) = 128

qtnv = qtnv + 1
FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar1(qtnv, i6) = tmp(ind, i6): NEXT

IF qtemp > 0 THEN
IF qtnv < melh - 1 GOTO Ciclo1

tenta = tenta + 1
IF qtnv < melh AND qtemp = 0 THEN
melh = qtnv
FOR i6 = 1 TO melh
FOR i7 = 1 TO 3: ok(i6, i7) = ar1(i6, i7): NEXT
IF melh < 5 THEN
cycle = cycle + 1
IF cycle MOD 50 = 0 THEN
'LOCATE 5, 11: PRINT cycle;
GOTO Continuar
IF tenta > 99 THEN cycle = cycle + 1: GOTO Continuar

FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1: tmp(i6, 4) = 0: NEXT

FOR i6 = 1 TO qtorig1
rndindex = rndindex + 1
IF rndindex > 4095 THEN rndindex = 0
k = rndnumb(rndindex) MOD qtorig1
k = k + 1
FOR i7 = 1 TO 3
SWAP tmp(i6, i7), tmp(k, i7)
qtnv = 0
qtemp = qtorig1
GOTO Ciclo1

IF melh < 5 THEN
FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i1, i6) = ok(1, i6): NEXT
IF melh > 1 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i2, i6) = ok(2, i6): NEXT
IF melh > 2 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i3, i6) = ok(3, i6): NEXT
IF melh > 3 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i4, i6) = ok(4, i6): NEXT
IF melh < 4 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i4, i6) = ar0(qtp - 1, i6): NEXT
IF melh < 3 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i3, i6) = ar0(qtp - 2, i6): NEXT
IF melh < 2 THEN FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i2, i6) = ar0(qtp - 3, i6): NEXT
FOR i6 = 1 TO 3: ar0(i5, i6) = ar0(qtp, i6): NEXT
qtp = qtp - 5 + melh
'LOCATE 8, 19: PRINT qtp;
qttmp = 0
IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
y$ = INKEY$
IF y$ = CHR$(27) GOTO TheEnd0
IF qtp < qtp0 GOTO TheEnd1
FOR i1 = 1 TO qtorig: arr1(i1, 4) = 0: NEXT
exitcode = 1
exitcode = -1
'exit point of assembler code

'... rest of QB code goes here
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Post by Ralph »


Because it seems that Michael will be pretty busy, I am taking the liberty of informing you that Michale has already pointed out that the following partial code is wrong:

Code: Select all

IF melh <5> 1 THEN
In BASIC and QB, the above line should be written as:

Code: Select all

IF melh > 1 AND melh < 5 THEN
O.K., it seems that, when one enters the last line above as code in this forum. with the order reversed to 5 first, then the 1, it is changed to the confusing and wrong line,
IF melh <5> 1 THEN

Conclusion: Your code is right, but the posting changes your code, as described above! So, it now becomes mandatory to carefully check our results by using the Preview option BEFORE posting!
Ralph, with QuickBASIC 4.5, operating under Windows XP, wiht anHP LaserJet 4L Printer. Bilingual in English/Spanish
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Post by burger2227 »

I have also recently had problems posting <> arrows.

You cannot post the word C_O_M_P_A_R_I_S_O_N either LOL

I wonder if something has been changed in the forum editor?

I don't think this was a problem previously. Somebody told me to disable the HTML.

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