PlayMATE - a PLAY composer

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PlayMATE - a PLAY composer

Post by MikeHawk »

I'm not much of a musician so writing PLAY strings from scratch can be a hassle for me... so I wrote a PLAY "tracker" to provide visual support. Right now, it features simple stuff like changing time signature and tempo, copy/insert bars, transposition and note length rescaling. It can import PLAY strings as text files (works fairly okay but there are still a few rules missing,) save tracks in a binary format (which takes too much space but is more reliable,) or export them to a BAS file with a small playback code. It also uses a custom interface library. The thing is in early alpha and I had several crashes on exit I was unable to identify... but it seems to be gone now... somehow.
The file below includes the executable, the sources for both the main program and the library (it needs to be recompiled though,) and a few sample tracks.
EDIT: replaced attached file with most recent version (.4) latest version is always available right here.
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Last edited by MikeHawk on Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PlayMATE - a PLAY composer

Post by Erik »

I'm looking forward to giving this a try! I'll let you know once I get a chance to load it up (being 2020... things have been a mess as always... :) )
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Re: PlayMATE - a PLAY composer

Post by MikeHawk »

Let me know how it goes; I worked a little bit more on it (v.4, it's not online) and the crash on exit came back. I still have no idea what's the cause of this thing, or how it vanished in v.3...
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Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:23 am

Re: PlayMATE - a PLAY composer

Post by MikeHawk »

Okay, I think I removed the crash on exit bug again. Let's see how long that lasts. Version .4 fixes a few things (like changes not warranting a confirmation prompt, and some crashes caused by saving/loading empty documents) and includes folder browsing for file load/save. Also, the interface library has been partially rewritten so controllers take 32 bytes of memory rather than 64.
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