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Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:04 am
by Bojangles
it worked flawlessly. I haven't printed it on the labels yet, but the number came out fine. Thanks again. I have made use of internet tech forums in the past and have found them to be most helpful. I am a Pick Basic expert by nature and because of my position have dabbled in various languages. I was stuck on this and as you can see while I managed to get the job done to this point, it wasn't pretty, but it is functional. ;)

Thanks again

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:12 am
by Anonymous
Nice to know the code works ;)

Also coding functional is one thing, and the most important thing. On second place comes readability/understandability, and that's going to be just fine if you can still understand the code! :) (I've experienced occasions in which I read a piece of code of mine from years back... I had a hard time do figure it all out again ;)).

And indeed, forums on the internet are very helpful. I usually go places like QBNZ, QBasicNews, here, and some other programmers' sites :).

Also, good luck with the rest of your project! :)

(Btw, my 2 creations have been uploaded! Check out :D).