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Nice graphics formulas reference page

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:35 am
by Stoves

Table of Contents

0. General Information
0.01: Charter of
0.02: Are the postings to archived?
0.03: How can I get this FAQ?
0.04: What are some must-have books on graphics algorithms?
0.05: Are there any online references?
0.06: Are there other graphics related FAQs?
0.07: Where is all the source?

1. 2D Computations: Points, Segments, Circles, Etc.
1.01: How do I rotate a 2D point?
1.02: How do I find the distance from a point to a line?
1.03: How do I find intersections of 2 2D line segments?
1.04: How do I generate a circle through three points?
1.05: How can the smallest circle enclosing a set of points be found?
1.06: Where can I find graph layout algorithms?

2. 2D Polygon Computations
2.01: How do I find the area of a polygon?
2.02: How can the centroid of a polygon be computed?
2.03: How do I find if a point lies within a polygon?
2.04: How do I find the intersection of two convex polygons?
2.05: How do I do a hidden surface test (backface culling) with 2D points?
2.06: How do I find a single point inside a simple polygon?
2.07: How do I find the orientation of a simple polygon?
2.08: How can I triangulate a simple polygon?
2.09: How can I find the minimum area rectangle enclosing a set of points?

3. 2D Image/Pixel Computations
3.01: How do I rotate a bitmap?
3.02: How do I display a 24 bit image in 8 bits?
3.03: How do I fill the area of an arbitrary shape?
3.04: How do I find the 'edges' in a bitmap?
3.05: How do I enlarge/sharpen/fuzz a bitmap?
3.06: How do I map a texture on to a shape?
3.07: How do I detect a 'corner' in a collection of points?
3.08: Where do I get source to display (raster font format)?
3.09: What is morphing/how is it done?
3.10: How do I quickly draw a filled triangle?
3.11: D Noise functions and turbulence in Solid texturing.
3.12: How do I generate realistic sythetic textures?
3.13: How do I convert between color models (RGB, HLS, CMYK, CIE etc)?
3.14: How is "GIF" pronounced?

4. Curve Computations
4.01: How do I generate a Bezier curve that is parallel to another Bezier?
4.02: How do I split a Bezier at a specific value for t?
4.03: How do I find a t value at a specific point on a Bezier?
4.04: How do I fit a Bezier curve to a circle?

5. 3D computations
5.01: How do I rotate a 3D point?
5.02: What is ARCBALL and where is the source?
5.03: How do I clip a polygon against a rectangle?
5.04: How do I clip a polygon against another polygon?
5.05: How do I find the intersection of a line and a plane?
5.06: How do I determine the intersection between a ray and a triangle?
5.07: How do I determine the intersection between a ray and a sphere?
5.08: How do I find the intersection of a ray and a Bezier surface?
5.09: How do I ray trace caustics?
5.10: What is the marching cubes algorithm?
5.11: What is the status of the patent on the "marching cubes" algorithm?
5.12: How do I do a hidden surface test (backface culling) with 3D points?
5.13: Where can I find algorithms for 3D collision detection?
5.14: How do I perform basic viewing in 3D?
5.15: How do I optimize/simplify a 3D polygon mesh?
5.16: How can I perform volume rendering?
5.17: Where can I get the spline description of the famous teapot etc.?
5.18: How can the distance between two lines in space be computed?
5.19: How can I compute the volume of a polyhedron?
5.20: How can I decompose a polyhedron into convex pieces?
5.21: How can the circumsphere of a tetrahedron be computed?
5.22: How do I determine if two triangles in 3D intersect?
5.23: How can a 3D surface be reconstructed from a collection of points?
5.24: How can I find the smallest sphere enclosing a set of points in 3D?
5.25: What's the big deal with quaternions?
5.26: How can I aim a camera in a specific direction?
5.27: How can I transform normals?

6. Geometric Structures and Mathematics
6.01: Where can I get source for Voronoi/Delaunay triangulation?
6.02: Where do I get source for convex hull?
6.03: Where do I get source for halfspace intersection?
6.04: What are barycentric coordinates?
6.05: How do I generate a random point inside a triangle?
6.06: How do I evenly distribute N points on (tesselate) a sphere?
6.07: What are coordinates for the vertices of an icosohedron?
6.08: How do I generate random points on the surface of a sphere?
6.09: What are Plucker coordinates?

7. Contributors
7.01: How can you contribute to this FAQ?
7.02: Contributors. Who made this all possible.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:43 am
by MystikShadows
Very nice reference Stoves. Thanks for sharing it, it's in my bookmarks :-) no two ways about ihat.