game help

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game help

Post by Raspberrypicker »

ok well I was practicing my programming, so one of the challenges was to move an ascii character from one side of the screen to the other, pretty easy. So I decided to make a game out of it.

I think i did pretty well on it (for as simple as it was). But I found it didn't run smoothly, like when you would hold down the arrow key or something like that. This happened to me also when i was making a pacman clone.

Are there any techniques to make my games work better? thanx.


Code: Select all


playerx = 40
playery = 23
row = 12
column = 79


FOR column = 1 TO 79

keyed$ = INKEY$

LOCATE playery, playerx

oldplayery = playery
oldplayerx = playerx

IF keyed$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) THEN playery = playery - 1
IF keyed$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) THEN playery = playery + 1
IF keyed$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(75) THEN playerx = playerx - 1
IF keyed$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(77) THEN playerx = playerx + 1
IF keyed$ = CHR$(27) THEN END

LOCATE oldplayery, oldplayerx

LOCATE playery, playerx

 LOCATE row, column
 PRINT " "; CHR$(141)
 LOCATE row + 1, column
 PRINT " "; CHR$(140); CHR$(140)
 LOCATE row + 2, column
 PRINT " "; CHR$(144)
 FOR nothing = 1 TO 50000

IF row = playery OR row + 1 = playery OR row + 2 = playery AND column = playerx THEN
 PRINT "HA HA! The ASCII symbols caught you!"



Fruit Pickin'

Post by Anonymous »


I ran your code and didn't see any problem other than the collision detection not working due to lack of () in the if. The only thing I can think of that you mean is that you either want a more responsive keyboard input or to not use for next for a delay. Here are a couple of tuts ... ASTKEY.BAS ... yboard.txt ... -time.html ... misc.shtml

Good luck
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Post by Joe »

Raspberrypicker wrote:But I found it didn't run smoothly, like when you would hold down the arrow key or something like that. This happened to me also when i was making a pacman clone.
That could be from using INKEY$ for your input. INKEY$ is only best for simple keyboard input. If you want instantaneous multi-key-combo handling, then you'll have to use something more advanced. You would need a library or some assembler handle for QBASIC. With FreeBASIC, you can just use MULTIKEY.
Raspberrypicker wrote:Are there any techniques to make my games work better? thanx.
Well, you're statement is a little broad, but I can give you some pointers.

Code: Select all

FOR nothing = 1 TO 50000 
This isn't a good idea. It's fine if you're temporarily testing something on your computer, but if you want other people to play your game the way it's intended, then you need to use something more constant for speed control. Because code like that will run at different speeds on other computers. It was flying by blazing fast on mine. I had to adjust it, but the point is that I shouldn't have to. Since you're in text mode, using timers to control speed would probably be the best option. If graphics mode, waiting for the vertical retrace also works.

You shouldn't have to draw the player twice in the same loop. Just choose one place to draw and it should still work fine. Make sure wherever you put the drawing code, that the erasing code should be right behind it.

If you want to reduce flicker, only erase and redraw the player if he moved. There's no need to constantly do that if the player's not moving. The same goes for any other moving objects.

Also, I noticed an error in your logic:

Code: Select all

IF row = playery OR row + 1 = playery OR row + 2 = playery AND column = playerx THEN 
Should be:

Code: Select all

IF (row = playery OR row + 1 = playery OR row + 2 = playery) AND column = playerx THEN 
The difference is that there are parenthesis around the OR statements. If you don't do this, then the compiler will interpret each case in between the ORs as separate, and if any of them are true it'll execute the code inside the block whether the last case is true or not . So if "row = playery" then it won't matter if "column = playerx".

Besides that, it's not too shabby. :D
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Post by Raspberrypicker »

Thanx guys, this was extremely helpful.
Fruit Pickin'
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