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PAINT command

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:38 am
by rishu
open help. and then explore paint command. I am unable to understand the usage of tile$ and background$.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:02 am
by MilesAway1980
I've never taken the time to figure out the background, but the tile is pretty easy.

Basically what the tile is is that instead of painting one solid color, you can paint with a pattern.

For example:

Screen 13

'make a shape
DRAW "c4 bm 50, 50 r50f50l50h50"

'create a "tile"
TileInfo$ = CHR$(15) + CHR$(17) + CHR$(19) + CHR$(21) + CHR$(23)
PAINT (65,55), TileInfo$, 4

Give that a try and it'll show you how that works.
Basically what it does is create a pattern that, in this example, is striped colors 15, 17, 19, 21, and 23 repeated over and over again. It looks like you can only do horizontal stripes and not vertical.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:59 pm
by Ralph
I have never used PAINT before, so, you made me do some experimenting!

For instance, after a while, I tried CHR$(65) + CHR$(66), then "A" + "B", and, finally, just "AB". Finally, I was using "aaagggooowww". Yes, all horizontal lines. Hmm...

...finally, I changed SCREEN 13 to SCREEN 12, and, I know it sounds strange, but, I now see only VERTICAL lines in SCREEN 12! Further, screens 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 ALL give vertical lines, only SCREEN 13 shows them horizontaly!

I'll lkeave futher exerimentation up to you guys. Have fun.

Oh, I even tried strings like, " gggg", yeah, just 5 spaces works fine, same as using CHR$(32) + CHR$(32)+ CHR$(32)+ CHR$(32), only, much easier to use the string, " ". Sort of opens up a whole new frontier, what with the whole 256 characters available!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:24 pm
by angros47
The usage depends of screen mode.

In monochrome (screen 2, screen 11...) the usage is very easy:
The tile MUST have a width of 8 bit, and can have a variable height.
You draw the tile by converting the bit-matrix to bytes.

Example (drawing a cross):

So the program:

Code: Select all

screen 11
paint (10,10),chr$(8)+chr$(8)+chr$(8)+chr$(255)+chr$(8)+chr$(8)+chr$(8)
Will draw a "grid" (tiled crosses)

In 16 color modes, every line is 4-byte long (2^4=16): one byte sets the red attribute, one the green, one the blue, one the brightess of the eight pixels of the line.

In 256-color mode, you will need 8 bytes for every line (2^8=256).
So you can't use the same tile string in different screen modes unless they have the same number of colors (i.e. screen 7,8,12 are compatible)