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MODEM programming

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:42 pm
by bongomeno
So, I am back here with some questions. I am working on a simple QB chat room the uses a modem. I am also writing this on the Atari 400/800xl and will later port it to my ST.

The goal is simple, people are able to connect from severl types of computers and chat!

In my Qbasic version (the 1st) I realized that only 2 people can connect with the way that I set it up!

My questions are:
Can more than 2 people connect via the modem like on a 3 way call?
How do I manage this? When info is sent, does everybody else recieve it? What is the maximum amount of people that can be connected? What happens if multiple people are sending data at the same time, is it messed up?

Also, I read the COM tutorials on this site, but was wondering if there are any good general modem programming forums that I can check out?

I will post my code later when I get home as I am currently at school.

thanks... :)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:35 am
by burger2227
COM port modems connect on one phone line. You might be able to have a three way conversation through the phone service.

My Q-basics Demo can supply most of the modem AT commands and how the COM ports work.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:37 pm
by burger2227
COM ports use FIFO chips. First in first out. So they can send and receive data at the same time. The modem transfers the data to and from the phone line.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:18 pm
by bongomeno
Ok, so generally I am not going to hook up more than 2 or 3 people at a time. That pretty rules out creating a MUD (multi user dungeon). And as for the chat room, I might as well keep it the way it is because some people might not even be able to do a 3 way. I forgot to post the source, but will try to later.

I might just end up creating a small RPG style game where you have like a duel arena where you can link up to different players 1 at a time and fight, trade, and most importantly... chat.

By creating this chat room, it was supposed to get me used to this kind of networking. I plan on using my Atari 800xl (or 400) as a server for a MUD.