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Some random QB error...Conspiracy?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:13 pm
by Mitth'raw'nuruodo
Ok, So I've had this prob:

I made my program and ran it, it was fine....I go back to it an hour later and run it CHANGING NOTHING and I get this error (the whole QB exits out and gives me this error, look below).

So then I go back and save it to another file and try running that, SAME THING happened...

I then made everything a REM in my first one then ran it....It ran...well sort of (a bunch of REMs don't do much now do they heh :D )....I then take that and make them not REMs anymore and guess what IT WORKS!

So I then tried the other one...It didn't work!

So I compared them and the ARE IDENTICAL!

Why Is one now running while the other hates me? :shock:

window appears:

Bar at top: 16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem
In box:
---Microsoft QuickBASIC
---The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
---CS:07f4 IP:1dbd OP:fe 30 06 8b 46 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

Well that's all I know anyone have a guess?

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:26 am
by Z!re
You've probably forgotten a VARPTR() that should be changed to SADD() and/or a VARSEG() that should be changed to SSEG() (If you're using QB 7.1)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:35 am
by Mitth'raw'nuruodo
Thanks Z!re but I wasn't using that stuff....

and I said that one runs now and the EXACT COPY doesn't....heh...

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:54 pm
by Z!re
If it's the exact same copy, then you will get the exact same error.

And if you're using mouse, or any other such thing, then you use VARPTR/VARSEG

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:34 pm
by Rattrapmax6
Hay, Mitth, you loading external gfx files with BSAVE BLOAD?, cause I was once getting the same message when I was doing that, thanks to Nek (Thank you very much!!) I don't get it any more..

If you are using that, Go down and look at the "BSAVE, BLOAD?" thread it has the correct code, if not, then I'm of no help in ASM stuff,.. yet,.. :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:56 pm
by Mitth'raw'nuruodo
I am using the mouse and I never touched that Z!re...

And ya I should be getting the same error or not but 1 has it while the other doesn't and they are the SAME!

And no BSave/load for me either....

Ran...success....I didn't change ANYTHING, ran it failed...rebooted....tryed it again...failed....tried other progs....success....tried it again....failed....tried the copy.....failed....made the original a bunch of REMs....success....undid the REMs....success....tried the copy....failed.....Mit confused..... :?....Mit types this thread in confusion....

So that's what my mind thought....

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:06 pm
by Rattrapmax6
Hmm, its something, keep looking,. it did it once to me,..

DO --Run--works--stop--run again--fail--reboot--run again--works-- LOOP

But mine was my BSAVE BLOAD, ohwell, its a prob, just got to find it.. wait, are you using that SuperPut or something?? You might have messed up a line while pasting..

Did you use a .TXT file to move it into QB, or that Edit/Paste thing on the windows tool bar?? .TXT is more solid and won't mess up any of the code.

Just copy every thing into a .TXT, and move it to you QB folder, or where you QB games are loaded from,. Then in QB, back out "*.BAS" and put "*.TXT"..

It loads every thing in, then you can save it as .BAS format and edit it. :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:11 pm
by Mitth'raw'nuruodo
Thanks for that but I already knew that..... :D

Ummm....No I didn't encorperate SuperPut in it yet either.....heh...I was going to do that now.... :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:19 pm
by Z!re
Just post the damn source!

Are you using QB45 or QB71!?

Post the source!

The mouse routines use VARSEG/VARPTR!


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:34 pm
by Rattrapmax6
:shock: Dude, Z!re, whats up with you,..

Your not still ticked over the MOoRPG compo r u? :(

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:19 pm
by Z!re

Sorry... just easily aggitated lately... Not even that.. I just think people should listen... I don't even get mad, I just appear to be.. lol :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:26 pm
by Rattrapmax6
:) , Well, some ppl listin, others don't.. and most don't half the time now,.. :wink: I try my best to listin and take note, I know how it can be when ppl don't, or mishear, ohwell.. thats life.. :roll:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:45 pm
by Mitth'raw'nuruodo
That's ok Z!re I was a little short to..... :D

But I didn't make QB's QB.BI so even if it does use the VarSeg thing it wouldn't be the problem because I haven't had a peep out of that since I first used it....

I'm on QB4.5.

Umm...There's nothing different between the one that works and the one that doesn't...I know that's impossible but I go with facts here....

BTW accually the one that works IS different now because I just put the SuperPut in it AND I LOVE IT! Thanks Z!re on that....I'm also making the HUD routines now.... :D

I still gotta work on my seeking missle algo though.....hmmm....