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New game assistance

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:53 am
by anarky
I've started a new game, well, I have a rough story outline. What I'm after is a few people not too heavily involved with their own work to help with story dialogue, graphics, music, sprites, the rpg engine etc, everything basically.

This is my first project in FreeBasic, and having coded for a while in QB, the transition is a bit difficult. There are things I'm not familiar with.

Nevertheless, if anyone is after a job, email me or reply to this post.


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:28 pm
by MystikShadows
Well I wouldn't mind emailing you, if ya had an email address in your post somwhere...LOL

*** MystikShadows moves his mouse all around that post to see if there's some hidden thingamajiggies. *** LOL ;-)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:40 pm
by MystikShadows
Ahhh you're registered now, that's much better now :-)...scratch my last message here LOL

Welcome aboard anarky. check your private messages, I sent you one about your project :-)