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Pete's QBASIC Site • The QB Zines Section is Now Available
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The QB Zines Section is Now Available

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:41 pm
by Pete
<p><strong>The QB Zines Section is Now Available</strong> -- Posted by <a href="mailto:pberg1@ithaca.edu">Pete</a> on August 7, 2004<br>
As I mentioned in my last news update, I have just put together the brand new <a href="/sections/zines/zines.shtml">QB Zines</a> section. This is a compilation of just about every QB magazine I could get my grubby hands on, from the Basix Fanzine to QB:TM to the QB Times. They're all here, and it's a very interesting archive for all you QBers out there to wade through. QB sure has had a long and eventful history, and each and every one of those magazines is like a little time capsule.<br><br>Once again, I'm going to thank Barok for putting together his archive of QB magazines last year. Several of the publications I directly reprinted from that archive, since they're not available anywhere else (like the QB Times and Tek's QBasic Gazette). Although some magazines or issues were absent from Barok's .zip file, or were converted to .doc form for printing instead of viewing in a browser, I was able to track down the originals and most of the missing pieces. All of the magazines you see in that section are unmodified from their original versions, and are reprinted exactly as I found them. Anyway, I definitely couldn't have done it without Barok's help!<br><br>However, there are many significant QB publications that have been made over the years that have gone missing, and I was unable to find. These include all of the <i>QB On Acid</i> issues except for the first three, Rems' incredible <i>QB Voice</i> magazine, <i>Qubed</i>, <i>Razor Diskmag</i>, and <i>Inside QuickBasic</i>. At the bottom of the Zines section, I've written everything I know about these lost magazines...which usually is not very much. If you have any issues of these mags, or know where I can find them, make sure you tell me! (Reply to this news post in the message board...click the "Comments" link at the bottom of this post.)<br><br><br>During the last update, I also promised that I would add the tutorials I've been gathering to the Tutorials section. Well, I plan on doing that soon. That is next on my agenda: a complete overhaul of the Tutorials section. I will probably double or triple the number of tutorials there. I've already compiled one of the biggest lists of QB tutorials available, but there are so many great tuts that are still missing. I'm gonna track as many down as I can.<br><br><br>One more thing. I'm really pleased with this site's message forum. A lot of people are posting, and several are posting regularly. The QBasic Questions & Answers board has been bustling with lots of posts. People are getting their questions answered left and right...and there has been no flaming going on whatsoever. Keep it up, guys!<br><br>Okay. I'm out.</p>

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:11 pm
by Nodtveidt
wildcard sent me a few issues of old QBOA issues, saved as complete pages with graphics intact...even I didn't have those backups. I'll get them to you as soon as possible if you'd like.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:46 pm
by Pete
Yeah, definitely!

I found issues 6-8 earlier tonight (after I posted that news) on Archive.org's Wayback Machine.

But I definitely would like any issues you have that I don't. (The issues 6-8 that I found had some images, but not all of them.)

I also just found out about another QB magazine: Terry Cavanagh's "QB Gamer", which I haven't looked for yet...but I'm guessing that it's not gonna be available.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:58 pm
by Pete
I have just done a big overhaul on the Zines section.

I added a few paragraphs of description for each magazine there, and also put the magazine's logo in the description text.

(Some of the logos are a bit too wide, though, so if you're using a resolution lower than 1024x768 it might look a little funny. I use 1280x1024 most of the time, so it looks splenderific to me!)

Wowsers, that took a long time.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:38 am
by Pete
Just in case you guys are interested, I've been sending out emails to the different editors to see if they've got copies of the missing QBasic magazines.

I've emailed the following:

-- Nekrophidius - QB On Acid --
I emailed Nek, but he posts on this board pretty regularly...and even replied to this thread with his response. Scroll up if you wanna find out what he had to say! Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I was able to track down issues 6-8 on Archive.org, which was awesome. I'm still not sure how many other issues there were. I know that Issue #9 was a very short issue, I think written in 2003, basically just announcing "we're back!". I'm not sure if there were any issues following #9.

-- Terry Cavanagh - QB Gamer Magazine --
He replied and said that he no longer has copies... but Matthew R. Knight of QB Cult Magazine used to collect QB magazines, and *might* have a copy. Terry did have a copy of one tutorial that he wrote for QB Gamer Magazine, though, and he sent it to me. The tutorial was on creating text adventures.

-- Matthew River Knight - QB Cult Magazine --
I sent him an email following Terry Cavanagh's advice, but have not heard back from him yet. I asked him if he had copies of any of the QB mags that I'm missing.

-- Martin Rampersad (Rems) - QB Voice --
I sent emails to three of his old email addresses, and looked up his old website on Archive.org... his site was not archived completely, and I could only access the front page... so QB Voice was not there.

Anyway, no luck: all three of the old email addresses returned send errors. However, a Google search of "Martin Rampersad", which is an uncommon name, returns about a zillion results from a January, 2004 post on a PHP programming board. There was no email address available, but I might look into that more in the future.

-- Terminator_Z - Razor Diskmag --
I sent him an email, but haven't gotten a response back yet. I don't know if his email address is still active.

-- Danny Gump - VirtuaSoft VSNews --
I recently found out that this magazine was officially called "VSNews", and that Danny once offered this magazine as downloadable .zips as well as in a HTML, web-readable format. (All this information is from a letter to the editor by Zkman in 2000, a letter to QB:TM by SEAV in issue #7, and from my memory...because I remember reading this magazine.) Anyway, I'm going to email Danny in a jiffy.

I'm going to try tracking down some of the other publications later on.

Just thought I'd update you guys on my progress!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:55 am
by Nodtveidt
There was a QBOA #10 and a WIP of a QBOA #11 which was never published because the co-editor, Equuskia, disappeared off the face of the earth. :cry: And anyways...QBOA is merging with V Planet, so it is likely that there will be no more QBOA releases but instead, the material that was being worked on for future QBOA issues will be released when the new V Planet is finished (which will be at vplanetmag.com, by the way).

EDIT: Oops, my bad...QBOA #11 WAS released, it's QBOA #12 that wasn't. I have 11 in front of me right now; I'll package it up and send it your way.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:58 am
by Pete
Yeah, I was actually searching the QB News boards earlier today for info about the lost magazines, and did a "QBOA" search.

I found out all about issues 10 & 11, and I even listed them on the Zines section as "Missing."

Anyway, do you have copies of those issues that you could send me?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:02 pm
by Pete
Geez, with all this talk of QB Magazines, I'm seriously thinking about starting my own....

I know it's probably not a good idea and would take a ton of work.... but the idea is really alluring right now. Heheheh.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:34 pm
by Nodtveidt
Apparently, we had plans to distribute QBOA #11 as a downloadable version, as I found it neatly zipped up within the directory. I've uploaded it to my server:


Doing a QB zine is tremendous work. Unless you've got the time, believe me...don't bother. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:03 pm
by Nodtveidt
OK...another relic has been dug up. :D This is the package that wildcard sent me, which contains, I do believe, the first three QBOA issues: November 10th and 24th, and then the first December issue...all from 1999.


They were saved as webpages by wildcard, so they have the graphics intact.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:52 pm
by Pete
Wow, awesome!

Thank you so much!

I've already uploaded the issues... check them out here:

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:01 pm
by Pete
Hey, Nek:

I'm wondering if this "Efnet QB Diskmag" ever actually got produced, or if it just died during production of its first issue? Do you remember anything about it?

In issue 2 of QBOA, you reported:
With all the gripes about the Razor diskmag as of late, another diskmag has been spotted in QB land! Our sources tell us that this new diskmag will appear soon, however, no names as to the culprits...err, people behind it were revealed. However, it seems that there's a massive team behind this new effort, and this could be quite big. Look forward to the new diskmag appearing soon.
In issue 3 of QBOA, you reported:
New diskmag revealed!
As a response to Razor's delay, several Efnet people had decided to create their own diskmag. It's apparently still in the early stages as of now, but it shows promise. QBoA was able to obtain an early copy of this new diskmag, and it looks pretty impressive, but looks are one thing, and content is another...we'll see what develops.
In issue 4, Wafn's letter to the editor made reference to it:
Ahh... well, great job, you'd better not discontinue this thing.. this 'EFnet diskmag' couldn't be much better ;)
And the article "QUICKBASIC MAGAZINES: NO MORE, PLEASE! STOP THE INSANITY!" also referenced it:
then there's another nameless QB diskmag that is just surfacing.

I'm thinking that nothing ever came of it...I certainly don't remember reading it.... but maybe you could shed a little bit more light on this magazine?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:45 pm
by Nodtveidt
The efnet diskmag was to be a diskmag produced by some members of the efnet #quickbasic IRC channel. I took a look at the program, which was quite nicely done, but like most things, it was never actually finished and released. Apparently everyone either just forgot about it, grew bored with the idea, or just said fsckit...

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:02 am
by barok
Thank you pete for the recognition! That task was a helluva undertaking... Scouring the internet... emailing different people... searching... searching... but i thought back then, and i still think now that it was all worth it. Many thanks to the people i emailed who sent me their magazines! Their pleasant manner really helped me keep on making the magazine archives.

Sorry for putting some of the magazines in .doc format though... when i realized how much stuff i would have to do with the pics and pages... i just figured i'd slap it on a .doc format for my easeness. Heh, i look at qb:tm now and realize how ugly it is like that.

i think i might have a few more magazines i never uploaded... i'll take a look.

Thanks again! You've made me feel like i've accomplished something worthwile!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:12 am
by Pete
Nice to hear your approval! I was worried you'd be angry that I used your work on my site. :)

What you did with the magazine archive was incredible. They're such a valuable resource to the QB community.

I'll admit, I probably wouldn't have even thought of a "QB Zines" section if it weren't for your zip archive. But once the work was done, I just figured I'd take your collection and make it more accessible, since a 17MB zip file is a bit cumbersome. ;)

Anyway, everywhere I look, I'm finding out about more magazines and a few more issues... I found all the issues of the BASIX Newsletter on my own, and Nekrophidius gave me a lot of the rogue QB On Acid issues (but there are still a few missing). I also found an issue of QB News that you somehow missed...

You did an incredible job finding the magazines. All the ones that you didn't get are the ones that I can't find a single remnant of -- anywhere. I can just find comments and news articles about them written on other sites and in other magazines.

Anyway, I'm still doing everything I can to find the "lost mags":
"QB Voice" (an excellent mag by Rems I used to read)
"QuickBasic Insider" bt the Cobb press
"Razor Diskmag" (which had only had one issue because of lack of contributors...and because QBOA was better)
"QB Gamer Magazine" by Terry Cavanagh
"Qubed" which I know nothing about
....and a few more really old mags that were made before the QB community existed.

Thanks again for making that archive!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:35 am
by Pete
By the way, I was wondering about a few issues that were curiously missing from the archive:

-Issue #14 of the BASIX Fanzine was missing in your archive...
You had an issue labeled as 14, but it was actually a second copy of a different issue. Could you check and see if you have issue 14?

-QB.Scene 1 (2000) - The first part of Jorden Chamid's little newsletter that merged with the QB Times. The second issue was there, but the first one wasn't.

-QB On Acid #9 and #10 - These were published after you made the archive, so they were obviously not included. I was just wondering if you happened to save copies? (Because you're an uber-QB-mag-collector, heheh.) But if Nekrophidius has them, he could give me copies too.

-QB On Acid #5 - supposedly the biggest and best issue ever...is missing. I don't think Nek has a copy, and I can't find one on the Internet. Do you know anything about it?

Thanks a lot!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:28 pm
by Nodtveidt
I probably have QBOA #9 and #10 archived. I will take a look as soon as I get the chance. As for #5...who knows...might have it, might not. Probably not but you never can tell.

Barok did a kickass job on the zine collection. In fact, it was Barok buggin' me about the QBOA zines that made me come back to the Qmunity in the first place. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:48 pm
by Pete

I assumed #5 was gone because Barok wrote this on the Tek-Tips board last October:
Barok wrote:dave wrote me back, and he told me that qb on acid no longer exists... he told me that the cd it was on must have been corrupted by the ocean air. too bad. it was a great publication... :*(

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:12 pm
by barok
Angry? Oh no! I'm quite pleased and happy! After I made the archive, i just made a download of it and pretty much gave up. I added a few more magazines here and there, but other than that i gave up. Right now i'm sorta collecting rpg's, demos and otherwise. But what you have done is easily equal to what i've done... You took the time to organize the magazines. All i did was just slap them in a .doc format or .txt format and save it in a folder. :D

Yeah, i missed one that was on some kind of egypt site. :D you have to be a member to download it, but you have to pay to be a member. I emailed the admin asking for that one file. He wasn't happy but he emailed it to me... except he gave me a qbnews i already had! I didn't want to get him madder, so i just left it as it was. It sounds like you're putting as much effort into that as i did... if not more. IT sounds like your scouring the internet, looking for more... :D

You said before that all the ones i didn't find are the ones that are not available... yet you said you found an issue of qbnews i didn't find. Mistakes happen. ;) And you are more than welcome... and a big thank you to you for going and making it alot more user friendly!

Just wait, i'm looking through my CD to see if i have any of those other magazines.

All issues except 1-3 Nek gave me. If Nek doesn't have them then i don't have them.... though maybe if someone could contact another editor they might have a few issues. Yep, I bugged Nek! In fact, here's his first post when he returned.

http://www.rpg-dev.net/forum/index.php? ... t=576&st=0

Ah yes, now i remember! I never could find issue 14... however! I did find a previous editor of the basix fanzine, and left a message on his message board asking for it.

And thanks Nek for the comment!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:25 pm
by barok
I found issues 3 and 4 of the qb developers forum on my cd.

::EDIT:: Originally i just posted the articles here but they were messed up somehow. so i'll just submit them.

Btw, i think Qb.Scene 1 is in the articles folder. it's called index. That i believe is qb.scene 1, since it seems to have a similiar format.