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Hundreds of QB Tutorials

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:10 pm
by Pete
In the front page news, I've been promising a big update to the tutorials section for a while. Well, it's coming. And here's proof.

Over the last several weeks, I've been collecting QB tutorials to add to this site. I have gotten a whole lot of them...I'm not sure how many (I haven't counted, but I'm sure there are over 100).

I plan to add them to the Tutorials section with a link, the author's name and a brief description. But that will obviously take quite a long time.

Until then, you can access all of them here:

It's a very disorganized directory, but it has a whole ton of useful content. (Consider it something along the lines of Toshi's Projects Page, heheheh.)


Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:14 am
by Anonymous
Wee! You found my tutorial from ages ago! :P

:roll: I think I should continue and rewrite it some day... (hmn, maybe now... ;))