Hang Dan

Hang Dan Screenshot

Author: BattleCraft99Genre: Puzzle Game
Size: 44 KBDownload:hangdan.zip

Hang Dan

First Impression Hangman -- that game played on chalkboards across the US. The game where you try to guess a secret phrase to save a man hanging by a rope from his neck from death... Uh oh... Pete is going to try some text art! Head for the hills!

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Well, I guess you get the idea. If you haven't played hangman, you're weird. :)
What It's Like Hangman, but kinda weird... You type in letters, but can type more than one at once, even though it only accepts one letter at a time. You also have to guess all of the letters until the whole word is filled in. You can't just guess when you know what it is. This also has other features, like telling you the category of the word, and how many letters. Also, you get more wrong guesses depending on the difficulty of the word. It's got good and bad aspects to it. You can also play with one or two players.
Other things you should know: I thought it was cool how the body parts were added depending on how many turns you have.

Hang Dan Screenshot

The rating

Graphics The menu is nice, but the graphics in the actual game blow. In the info section of the program (accessible via the main menu), BattleCraft99 says that he knows that the graphics aren't very good, but it's one of his first tries at them. The graphics aren't good -- even for QB, but they server their purpose. I must say that the graphics in this game look better than my text art above, because it doesn't line up right. (heh)
Sound None.
Features/Extras This game, despite it's simplicity, has quite a few extra little things that make it better, such as word difficulty value, category, the way the body parts show up differently for every word, the menu, the about section, when you finish a game, the answers to previous games that you lost appear, the two player/one player modes (this was a good idea), and other stuff. Nice job on this!
Gameplay You can't go very wrong with input in Hangman. In this, you type the letter you want and press enter. Nothing wrong that I can see with that. There is a problem if you input more than one letter, though. If you type in the full word to guess, it treats it as one letter instead of a guess of the full word. I think that you should be able to guess like you do in real life. Other than that, I think this game is fine.
Overall Impression I wasn't sure what to give this program. It's so simple, and it's kind of boring. The same words are used over and over in the one player mode, and the two player mode is kind of dumb, because you have to like cover up your opponent's eyes when you type in the answer. :) This game is the type of game that gives you experience for bigger projects later on in your programming career.
15 1/2/20 * 5 =


Hang Dan