#include "fbgfx.bi" ' Our subroutine declarations will go here! DECLARE SUB MainMenu ' Sub that runs our main menu loop. DECLARE SUB MainLoop ' Sub that runs our main game loop. DECLARE SUB LoadGraphics ' Sub that loads all the program's graphics. DECLARE SUB InitVariables ' Sub that initiates the game variables ' (should be called before every new game). DECLARE SUB MoveDrawSheep ' A sub that moves, draws and controls the ' sheep. ' Useful constants(makes your code easier to read and write). const FALSE = 0 const TRUE = 1 DIM SHARED background1(64004) AS INTEGER ' An array that will hold the ' background image DIM SHARED WarriorSprite(12, 404) AS INTEGER ' An array that will hold ' the warior sprites. DIM SHARED ExtraSprite(18, 900) AS INTEGER ' An array that will hold ' the additional sprites. SCREEN 13,8,2,0 ' 13 means 320*200 graphics resolution; 8 means ' 8bit color depth; 2 means two work pages and ' 0 means window mode(1 would be full screen mode). ' When your program is running you can toggle ' between full screen/window mode with ALT+ENTER. SETMOUSE 0,0,0 ' Hides the mouse cursor. ' Our user defined type containing 8 variables. TYPE ObjectType X AS SINGLE Y AS SINGLE Speed AS SINGLE Frame AS INTEGER Direction AS INTEGER Move AS INTEGER Attack AS INTEGER Alive AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM SHARED Player AS ObjectType ' Our player. DIM SHARED Sheep(10) AS ObjectType ' Our sheep. DIM SHARED Frame1 LoadGraphics ' Load the program's graphics. MainMenu ' Initiate main menu. END ' End program. ' MAIN MODULE ENDS HERE! ' ********************** SUB LoadGraphics ' Let's hide the work page since we are ' going to load program's graphics directly ' onto the screen. Page 1 is set as the ' work page and page 0 as the visible ' page. Everything you paste will be ' pasted on the work page(if you don't ' specify otherwise) and won't be ' visible(copied to the visible page) ' until you use SCREENCOPY. SCREENSET 1, 0 ' Load the background image and store ' it in an array. BLOAD "backgrnd.bmp", 0 GET (0,0)-(319,199), background1(0) CLS ' Clear our screen since we ' are loading a new image(not ' neccesary but wise). ' Load the warrior sprites onto the screen and ' store them into an array. BLOAD "sprites.bmp", 0 FOR imagepos = 1 TO 12 GET (0+(imagepos-1)*24,0)-(19+(imagepos-1)*24,19), WarriorSprite(imagepos, 0) NEXT imagepos ' The 12 warrior sprites are saved as follows: ' WarriorSprite(1, 0) - warrior moving down image #1 ' WarriorSprite(2, 0) - warrior moving down image #2 ' WarriorSprite(3, 0) - warrior moving up image #1 ' WarriorSprite(4, 0) - warrior moving up image #2 ' WarriorSprite(5, 0) - warrior moving left image #1 ' WarriorSprite(6, 0) - warrior moving left image #2 ' WarriorSprite(7, 0) - warrior moving right image #1 ' WarriorSprite(8, 0) - warrior moving right image #2 ' WarriorSprite(9, 0) - warrior swinging up ' WarriorSprite(10, 0) - warrior swinging down ' WarriorSprite(11, 0) - warrior swinging left ' WarriorSprite(12, 0) - warrior swinging right ' Load the image holding the additional sprites and store ' them into the "ExtraSprite" array on specific positions. BLOAD "EXTRASPR.BMP", 0 ' Load the sheep sprites. FOR imagepos = 1 TO 8 GET (0+(imagepos-1)*24,0)-(19+(imagepos-1)*24,19), ExtraSprite(imagepos, 0) NEXT imagepos ' Load the bloody sheep meat. FOR meatpos = 1 TO 7 GET (6+(meatpos-1)*13,25)-(17+(meatpos-1)*13,34), ExtraSprite(meatpos + 8, 0) NEXT meatpos ' Load the fireball. GET (11, 42)-(23, 53), ExtraSprite(16, 0) ' Load the mouse cursor. GET (108, 24)-(121, 40), ExtraSprite(17, 0) ' Load the menu pointer. GET (127, 25)-(139, 37), ExtraSprite(18, 0) ' The sprites are saved in the "ExtraSprite" array as follows: ' ExtraSprite(1, 0) - sheep moving down image #1 ' ExtraSprite(2, 0) - sheep moving down image #2 ' ExtraSprite(3, 0) - sheep moving up image #1 ' ExtraSprite(4, 0) - sheep moving up image #2 ' ExtraSprite(5, 0) - sheep moving left image #1 ' ExtraSprite(6, 0) - sheep moving left image #2 ' ExtraSprite(7, 0) - sheep moving right image #1 ' ExtraSprite(8, 0) - sheep moving right image #2 ' ExtraSprite(9, 0) - ExtraSprite(15, 0) - 7 bloody meat pieces ' ExtraSprite(16, 0) - the fireball sprite ' ExtraSprite(17, 0) - the mouse cursor ' ExtraSprite(18, 0) - the menu pointer END SUB SUB MainLoop DO ' Player.Direction = 1 -> warrior moving right ' Player.Direction = 2 -> warrior moving left ' Player.Direction = 3 -> warrior moving down ' Player.Direction = 4 -> warrior moving up Player.Move = FALSE ' By deafult player is not ' moving. ' According to pushed key move the ' player and flag the proper direction. IF MULTIKEY(SC_RIGHT) THEN Player.X = Player.X + Player.Speed Player.Direction = 1 Player.Move = TRUE END IF IF MULTIKEY(SC_LEFT) THEN Player.X = Player.X - Player.Speed Player.Direction = 2 Player.Move = TRUE END IF IF MULTIKEY(SC_DOWN) THEN Player.Y = Player.Y + Player.Speed Player.Direction = 3 Player.Move = TRUE END IF IF MULTIKEY(SC_UP) THEN Player.Y = Player.Y - Player.Speed Player.Direction = 4 Player.Move = TRUE END IF ' The following 4 conditions prevent ' the warrior to walk off the screen. IF Player.X < 0 THEN Player.Move = FALSE Player.X = 0 END IF IF Player.X > 300 THEN Player.Move = FALSE Player.X = 300 END IF IF Player.Y < 0 THEN Player.Move = FALSE Player.Y = 0 END IF IF Player.Y > 180 THEN Player.Move = FALSE Player.Y = 180 END IF ' According to player's direction flag the ' proper sprite. IF Player.Direction = 1 THEN Player.Frame = 6 + Frame1 IF Player.Direction = 2 THEN Player.Frame = 4 + Frame1 IF Player.Direction = 3 THEN Player.Frame = 0 + Frame1 IF Player.Direction = 4 THEN Player.Frame = 2 + Frame1 ' Frame1 changes from 1 to 2 or vice versa every ' 16 cycles(set with Frame2 variable). Frame2 = (Frame2 MOD 16) + 1 IF Frame2 = 10 THEN Frame1 = (Frame1 MOD 2) + 1 IF Player.Move = FALSE OR Frame1 = 0 THEN Frame1 = 1 ' Pastes the background. PUT (0, 0), background1(0), PSET ' Pastes the warrior on Player.X and Player.Y coordinates, ' using sprite number Player.Frame and skips background color(TRANS). PUT (Player.X, Player.Y), WarriorSprite(Player.Frame, 0), TRANS MoveDrawSheep ' Copy the work page(page 1) to the visible page(page 0). SCREENCOPY SCREENSYNC ' Wait for vertical blank(use always in all the game ' game loops to get 85 FPS). SLEEP 2 ' Statement used to prevent 100% CPU usage(prevents ' the program to use up all the computer cycles - useful ' and recommended). LOOP UNTIL MULTIKEY(SC_Q) OR MULTIKEY(SC_ESCAPE) ' Execute the loop until the user presses Q or ESCAPE. END SUB SUB MainMenu ' Will add code here later that calls ' the main loop after the player clicks ' on an option in the menu. For now ' the main loop is called right away. ' Load initial variables(player's position, etc.). InitVariables ' Call the main game loop. MainLoop END SUB SUB InitVariables RANDOMIZE TIMER ' Warrior's(player's) initial ' position, speed(constant) ' and direction(1 = right). Player.X = 150 Player.Y = 90 Player.Speed = 1 Player.Direction = 1 ' Initiate all the sheep(their positions, etc.). FOR countsheep = 1 TO 10 ' Randomize a number 1 to 300(sheep's X position). Sheep(countsheep).X = INT(RND * 300) + 1 ' Randomize a number 1 to 180(sheep's Y position). Sheep(countsheep).Y = INT(RND * 180) + 1 ' Randomize a number 1 to 4. Sheep(countsheep).Direction = INT(RND * 4) + 1 ' New game -> all sheep alive by deafult. Sheep(countsheep).Alive = TRUE ' Speed of all sheep. Sheep(countsheep).Speed = 0.6 NEXT countsheep END SUB SUB MoveDrawSheep ' Loop through all the sheep. FOR countsheep = 1 TO 10 ' The current sheep is not moving by default. Sheep(countsheep).Move = FALSE ' Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 1 -> sheep moving right ' Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 2 -> sheep moving left ' Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 3 -> sheep moving down ' Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 4 -> sheep moving up ' The current sheep frame(sprite) by default(sheep not moving). IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 1 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 7 IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 2 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 5 IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 3 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 1 IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 4 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 3 ' If the current sheep is moving flag the proper sprite according ' to its direction. IF Sheep(countsheep).Move = TRUE THEN IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 1 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 6 + Frame1 IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 2 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 4 + Frame1 IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 3 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 0 + Frame1 IF Sheep(countsheep).Direction = 4 THEN Sheep(countsheep).Frame = 2 + Frame1 END IF ' If the current sheep is ALIVE draw it! IF Sheep(countsheep).Alive = TRUE THEN PUT (Sheep(countsheep).X, Sheep(countsheep).Y), ExtraSprite(Sheep(countsheep).Frame, 0), TRANS NEXT countsheep END SUB