Submitting News

Now Pete's QBASIC Site hosts news and information about your projects and site for free. It's free advertising and publicity for you, so I don't see why you wouldn't take advantage of it. :P Read on for more info on submitting.
What your news will look like

You must tell me how you want the news to be presented (if you want the news in an original format). If you do not specify what you want your news article to look like, it will be presented in the form that I present my news. (Blue heading, green text). If you do want a different news format, please tell me when you submit the news, and your text will be formatted the way you want it.If you include graphics (ie screenshots) with the news, they will be lined up with the text on the right side of the screen unless you want them presented in a different way. The way your news is up to you, so if you want it in your own original format, tell when you submit it.


I will only allow certain types of news to be displayed on the site. Use these guidelines to decide whether or not your news "is worthy" of being displayed on this site.


Here's what you've been waiting for... the submitting part! When you submit, please send:

Remember, I'm flexible. Really flexible. I can help you out if you have any questions. The asterisk found in front of some of the feilds means that they are optional (most are). Now that you have all of that taken care of, mail it to me!