QuickBasic Summary

Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering

This page will be updated later.

' This is a comment
:        ... separate BASIC statements on one line
_        ... placed at the end of the line to indicated that the statement
             continues to the next line.
END      ... end the main program (same as STOP in FORTRAN)
label:   ... a name followed by a colon
BASIC uses double quotes (") to enclose a string; FORTRAN a single quote (').

Declare Variable Type

Variable Types (type suffix)
  variable$ ... character/string of adjustable length
  variable% ... integer*2
                -32,768 -- 32,767 in decimal (default)
                i%=&h0 -- i%=&hFFFF in hexadecimal
                i%=&o0 -- i%=&o177777 in octal
  variable& ... integer*4 (double precision)
                -2,147,483,648 -- 2,147,483,647
                i&=&h0& -- i&=&hFFFFFFFF& in hexadecimal (The first "&" is the base; the second "&" is "double precision".)
                i&=&o0& -- i&=037777777777& in octal
  variable! ... real*4 (default; e.g., x! and x are treated as the same variable, but a! and a% are not.)
                -3.4X10^38 -- 3.4X10^38 (~7 significant figures)
                (Note "!" does not mean factorial.  Ok in Excel macro, but not as formula in worksheet cells.)
  variable# ... real*8 (double precision)
                -1.7X10^308 -- 1.7X10^308 (~15 significant figures)

DEFINT a-z   'INTEGER ... integer (INTEGER*2)
DEFLNG a     'LONG    ... double precision integer (INTEGER*4)
DEFSNG a     'SINGLE  ... real (REAL*4)
DEFDBL a     'DOUBLE  .,. double precision (REAL*8)
DEFSTR a     'STRING  ... All variables beginning with "A" are strings,
                          unless specified otherwise by (%, &, !, or #)

declare variablename AS type  ... general format
  "declare" is one of the following:
  "type" is one of the following:
     INTEGER     .. 2-byte integer
     LONG        .. 4-byte integer
     SINGLE      .. 4-byte real
     DOUBLE      .. 8-byte real
     STRING      .. character*(*)
     STRING*n    .. character*n
  ex.  TYPE newtype              ... define a newtype from existing types
         a AS INTEGER
         b AS STRING*30
       END TYPE
       DIM c AS newtype
       DIM d (1 TO 5) AS newtype ... create array of newtype
       i%   = c.a                ... how to access the element in a record
       abc$ = c.b
       i%   = d(2).a             ... access the element in a array record
       abc$ = d(2).b

    DIM i%(100) AS INTEGER
    DIM i%(1 TO 100, -50 TO 50) AS INTEGER  ... negative limits are allowable
    DIM a!(100) AS SINGLE
    DIM i% AS INTEGER       ... DIM can be used to declare type for a non-array
    DIM x AS newtype
    DIM a  AS STRING        variable length string
    DIM a  AS STRING*10     fixed length string
    DIM a$ AS STRING*10     ... no good (since a$ is a string of adjustable length)
    COMMON SHARED a!, b!, n%  ... same as common a, b, n in FORTRAN
                                  but declared only once in the main program;
                                  variable names extents to the entire module.
    DIM SHARED a!, b!, n%     ... same as common a, b, n in FORTRAN
  ex. Share an array
    common shared x(), y()
    dim x(n), y(n)

  Array variables do not necessarily have to be declared; compiler gives a warning.
  The default lower bound in BASIC is 0.
  OPTION BASE 1 ... change the default lower bound to 1 to conform with FORTRAN
  The dimension can be read first before DIM statement is issued.
  DIM array(10) ... DIMENSION array(10) in FORTRAN
  DIM array(10,20)
  DIM array (1 TO 10) AS INTEGER
  DIM x(1 TO 10), y(1 TO 10, 1 TO 5)
  DIM x(n%+1)

CONST a$ = "hi", b$ = "class", c$="today"
CONST pi!=3.14
  .. same as FORTRAN: DATA pi/3.14/
CONST n=100 : DIM a(n)    ... same as FORTRAN: parameter (n=100)
  CONST n=1  ... n is treated as an integer by default, although the default is a real number in a pure expression e.g., n=1
  CONST n=3! ... n is treated as a real number
  CONST n!=3 ... n is treated as a real number
  n = 1 ... n is treated as a real number; default varibale type is real
  CALL subroutine(1)   ... 1 is passed as an integer in a subroutine/function
  CALL subroutine(1!)  ... 1 is passed as a real number
  CALL subroutine(1.)  ... 1 is passed as a real number

DATA 1., 0., 0., 0.    ... same as in FORTRAN
FOR I = 1 TO 4             REAL x(4)
  READ x(i)                DATA x/1., 0., 0., 0./

QBasic Intrinsic Functions

Math Functions ...
  SGN returns -1 (negative), 0 (for 0) or 1 (positive)

Other Functions ...

LEN(variable) ... returns the number of bytes required by a variable
LEN(string expression) ... returns the number of characters in a string
ASC("A") ... returns the ASCII code of "A";
             same as FORTRAN: ICHAR('A')
CHR$(64) ... returns the character corresponding to ASCII 64;
             same as FORTRAN: CHAR(64)
EOF(1) ... see if eof is reached in file/device #1 (true or false)
LOC(1) ... returns the number of bytes waiting in the input buffer
LOF(1) ... returns the number of bytes remaining in the output buffer

RSET ... right justify a string variable
LSET ... left justify a string variable
  ex. LSET NewVariable$ = oldvariable$
LTRIM$ ... strip away leading spaces
  ex. FOR i=1 to 5                   ... produce x(1) = ???
        i$ = LTRIM$(STR$(i))                     x(2) = ???
        PRINT "x("; i$; ") = ";                   :
        INPUT "", x(i)
      NEXT i
  ex. FOR i=1 to 5                   ... produce x(1) = ???
      PRINT "   a("; LTRIM$(STR$(i)); ")="; a(i)
      NEXT i

RTRIM$ ... strip away trailing spaces
           good for comparing fixed length and variable length strings
           ex. IF RTRIM$(fixed$) = variable$ THEN ...
INSTR(string1$, string2$)
  ... returns the position in string1 where string2 is found
      0 means no match
  ex. string1$ = "hi, class"
      string2$ = "class"
      PRINT INSTR(string1$, string2)  ... gives 5
INSTR(start_position%, string1$, string2$)
  ... returns the position in string1 where string2 is found
      start searching for matching at start_position%
      good for searching for multiple matching
LEFT$(string$, n%)  ... return the leftmost n% characters from string$
  ex. PRINT LEFT$("hi, class", 4)  ... gives "hi, "
RIGHT$(string$, n%) ... return the rightmost n% characters from string$
  ex. PRINT RIGHT$("hi, class", 4) ... gives "lass"
MID$(string$, start%, n%)
  ... return n% characters from string$, starting at start%
  ex. PRINT MID$("hi, class", 5, 2) ... gives "cl"
      MID$("hi, class", 1) = "H"  ... replace the 1st character with "H"
                                      gives "Hi, class"
      MID$("hi, class", 2) = "Go"  ... gives "Go, class"
STRING$(n%, string$) ... generate string$ n% times
  ex. PRINT STRING$(20, "*")
STRING$(n%, code%) ... generate string$ n% times
  ex. PRINT STRING$(20, 64)
SPACES$(n%)  ... generate n% blank spaces
LCASE$(string$) ... convert to lower case; good for case insensitive comparison
UCASE$(string$) ... convert to upper case; good for case insensitive comparison
  ex. DO
      resp$ = INPUT$(1)
      LOOP WHILE UCASE$(resp$) = "Y"

MKI$ ... convert an integer to string
  ex. New$ = MKI$(i%)
MKS$ ... convert a real variable to string
  ex. New$ = MKS$(x!)
STR$ ... convert to string
  ex. a$ = STR$(45)  ... gives "45"
      a$ = STR$(i%)
VAL("45")       ... gives 45 (an integer)
  ex. i% = VAL("45")
      i% = VAL(string$)
      r! = VAL("1.2")
  ex. trick to ensure that the type is correct
      INPUT "enter n: ", n$ | n%=VAL(n$)

  A$ = "hi,"
  B$ = " class"
  C$ = A$ + B$ --> gives "hi, class"
  C$ = C$ + A$ --> Add one character at a time

Integer division
  7/3  --> 2.33333
  7\3  --> 2
  9.6\2.4 --> 5 (i.e., 10\2 because real numbers are round off before
                 operation is performed.)
                 Not very accurate (bugs?)  0.5\1 --> 0
                                        but 1.5\1 --> 2
                                            2.5\1 --> 2
                                            3.5\1 --> 4
                (Use int(x+0.5) to round off instead.)
  7 MOD 3 --> 1

Precedence of Operations
  same as FORTRAN
  ^ ... exponentiation; same as FORTRAN **

  same as FORTRAN

Logical Operators -- Boolean expression, condition
  =   ... .EQ. in FORTRAN
  <>  ... .NE.
  >   ... .GT.
  <   ... .LT.
  >=  ... .GE.
  <=  ... .LE.
  0   ... .FALSE.
  -1  ... .TRUE.
  e.g. false = 0000000000000000 (a value of  0)
       true  = 1111111111111111 (a value of -1) or any nonzero value
       Variable type is the same as integer.
       PRINT 1=1 ... gives -1
  e.g., The following is very strange!!!
      TRUE = 1
      FALSE = NOT(TRUE)  ... gives -2, not 0
  ex. CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE  ... good for readability or
                                             imitating FORTRAN
  ex. Two strings can be compared based on ASCII values ... good for sorting


ELSEIF and ELSE part are optional
IF condition1 THEN    -+ ... same as FORTRAN: + IF (condition1) THEN
  statement1           |                      |   statement1
ELSEIF condition2 THEN |                      | ELSEIF (condition2) THEN
  statement2           |                      |   statement2
ELSEIF condition3 THEN |                      | ELSEIF (condition3) THEN
  statement3           |                      |   statement3
ELSE                   |                      | ELSE
  statement4           |                      |   statement4
END IF                -+                      + END IF

SELECT CASE expression -+ ... same as FORTRAN:
  CASE expression-list1 |      + IF(expression .eq. expression-list1)THEN
    statement1          |      |   statement1
  CASE expression-list2 |      | ELSEIF(expression .eq. expression-list2)THEN
    statement2          |      |   statement2
    :                   |      |    :
  CASE ELSE             |      | ELSE
    statement3          |      |   statement3
END SELECT             -+      + ENDIF

  Only the statements corresponding to the first match (not subsequent matches)
    will be executed.
  e.g. SELECT CASE i%
         CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, j%, k%
           PRINT "Odd"
         CASE 2, 4, 6, 8
           PRINT "even"
         CASE ELSE
           PRINT "Out of range"
         END SELECT
  e.g. SELECT CASE i%
         CASE 1 TO 4, -4 TO -1   (must put the lesser value first)
         CASE IS >5
         END SELECT
  e.g. CASE "abc" TO "bear" ... O.K.
       CASE "abc" TO "Bear" ... no good (ASCII order is wrong)
  e.g. CASE IShigh%  ... multiple expressions

ON i% GOSUB 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
  ... goto 10 if i%=1, goto 20 if i%=2, goto 30 if i%=3 etc
  ... same as FORTRAN: GOTO (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) I
  ... unstructured; avoid

FOR i%=1 TO 5 + ... same as FORTRAN: +       DO label icount=1, 5
  statements  |                      |         statements
NEXT count%   +                      + label CONTINUE
  ... The count variable may start with a negative integer.
  ... STEP other than 1 can be given.
  ... Infinite loop when STEP 0 is used. (This is not allowed in FORTRAN.)

FOR i%=5 TO 1 STEP -1 + ... same as FORTRAN: +       DO label icount=5, 1, -1
  statements          |                      |         statements
NEXT count%           +                      + label CONTINUE

Forced exist from FOR ... NEXT loop
FOR i%=5 TO 1 STEP -1 + ... same as FORTRAN: +       DO label icount=5, 1, -1
  statements          |                      |        statements
  EXIT FOR            |                      |         if( ... ) goto 101
  statements          |                      |         statements
NEXT count%           +                      + label CONTINUE
                                                   101   outside the loop

Counter is optional ...
  ex. FOR count%=1 TO 5

Nesting ...
  ex. FOR i%=1 TO 5
        FOR j%=1 TO 10
  ex. FOR i%=1 TO 5
        FOR j%=1 TO 10
        NEXT j%
      NEXT i%
  ex. FOR i%=1 TO 5
        FOR j%=1 TO 10
      NEXT j%, i%       (list the most inner counter first)

WHILE condition        label IF (condition) THEN
  statements                   statements
WEND                         ENDIF
                             GOTO label

Use EXIT DO within IF placed inside the loop to get out of the DO...LOOP
DO                       +
  statements             | infinite loop
  IF .. THEN EXIT DO     |
  statements             |
LOOP                     +

Test the condition first (thus, the statements in the loop may be completely skipped.)
DO WHILE condition + ... same as FORTRAN: + label IF (condition) THEN
  statements       |                      |         statements
LOOP               +                      |       END IF
                                          +       GOTO label

DO UNTIL condition + ... same as FORTRAN: + label IF (.not. condition) THEN
  statements       |                      |         statements
LOOP               +                      |       END IF
                                          +       GOTO label

Test the condition afterwards (thus, the statements in the loop are executed
at least once.)
DO                  +... same as FORTRAN: + label   statements
  statements        |                     +       IF (condition )GOTO label
LOOP WHILE condition+

DO                  +... same as FORTRAN: + label statements
  statements        |                     +       IF (.not. condition)GOTO label
LOOP UNTIL condition+


  PRINT A; B  -- the 2nd item is separated from the 1st by a space.
                 (May show 2 spaces between numbers because there is also a
                  space before the positive number.)
  PRINT A, B  -- the 2nd item is printed at the next tab position
                 (multiples of 14).
  PRINT "A"; B --- the 2nd item is separated from the 1st string by 0 space.
                 (May show 1 space between the string and the number because
                  there is a space before the positive number.)
  PRINT A; + combine output of several PRINT statements on the same line.
  PRINT B  +
  PRINT A, + combine output of several PRINT statements on the same line.
  PRINT B  +
  PRINT       ... no argument ... print a blank line
  PRINT "character strings"
  PRINT logical expression
  PRINT USING "###.###"; A   ... 123.456     same as F7.3
  PRINT USING "$$###.##"; A  ... $123.45 (note two $ signs so that the $ sign is next to the number)
  PRINT USING "#.###^^^^"; A ... 0.123E+03   same as E9.3
  PRINT USING "+###"; A      ... +123
  PRINT USING "##_! = factorial of ## = ##,###.##"; 10; 10; 123.44  ("_!" gives "!")
               ... 10! = factorial of 10 =      123.44
  fmt$ = "##_! = factorial of ## = ##,###.##" + same as the last line
  PRINT USING fmt$; 10; 10; 123.44            +
  PRINT "x("; i$; ") = "; using "##.#####^^^^"; x(i)
  PRINT using "##.#####^^^^"; a, b, c   ... repeat the same format
  PRINT "a"; SPC(10); "b"   ... skip 10 spaces between "a" and "b"
  PRINT "a"; TAB(10); "b"   ... print "b" on column 10

Other Output Statements
  LOCATE row, column
  LOCATE row, column, cursor   ... cursor=1 ... visible
                                   cursor=0 ... invisible
  LOCATE row, column, cursor, start, stop
    ... start,stop=0..7 or 13 ... cursor size
                   |     +Ä mono
                   +Ä color
    e.g. LOCATE ,, 1, 0, 7   ... fill the whole space
         LOCATE ,, 1, 0, 3   ... fill the top half
         LOCATE ,, 1, 4, 7   ... fill the bottom half
         LOCATE ,, 1, 6, 2   ... split cursor
  WIDTH columns, rows
    columns ... 40, 80
    rows    ... 25, 30, 43, 50, 60
  VIEW PRINT topline TO bottom line
    ... only the portion between topline and bottom line is scrolled
    ... Use "CLS 2" to clear the text window

INPUT variable1, variable2              ... prompt with "?"
INPUT "prompt"; variable1, variable2    ... propmt with "prompt?"
INPUT "prompt: ", variable1, variable2  ... prompt with "prompt: "
  same as + PRINT "prompt: ";
          + INPUT "", variable1, variable2
INPUT; "1st: ", v1 + appear on the same line
INPUT  "2nd: ", v2 +

  Because "," is used to separate input fields, enclose a string
  variable input in " " if it contains ","; otherwise, use LINE INPUT.
  LINE INPUT uses the same rules as INPUT, except that each line ended
  with "Enter" is treated as one item.

LINE INPUT variable1, variable2
LINE INPUT #1, variable1, variable2
  ex. PRINT "enter n: ";
      LINE INPUT n%

Other Input functions
  PRINT INPUT$(5)              ... wait for 5 key strokes
  a$ = INPUT$(5)               ... read 5 key strokes (read all characters)
  a$ = INPUT$(5, #1)           ... read 5 key strokes (read all characters)
                                   from #1
  DO: LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""   ... wait for a key press
    ex. trap extended key combinations (e.g., INS key = HEX 52 = DEC 82)
        DO: a$ = INKEY$: LOOP WHILE a$ = "" OR LEN(a$) < 2:
        IF ASC(MID$(a$,2))=82 THEN command
    ex. trap extended key combinations (same as above)
        IF a$=MKI$(&H5200) THEN command

  irow% = CSRLIN         ... get cursor position -- row number
  icol% = POS(idummy%)   ... get cursor position -- column number

comparison ...
  INPUT       ... "," is the delimiter
  LINE INPUT  ...  is the delimiter
  INPUT$()    ... no delimiter

OPEN "filename" FOR OUPUT AS #1 ... same as open(1,file='filename',status='new')
  (existing file will be written over -- Be careful!)
OPEN "filename" FOR APPEND AS #1 ... append existing file
OPEN "filename" FOR INPUT AS #1 ... same as open(1,file='filename',status='old')
OPEN "filename" FOR RANDOM AS #1 ... random acess file
OPEN "filename" FOR BINARY AS #1 ... binary file
CLOSE #1 ... same as FORTRAN close(1)
KILL filespec ... same as DOS' "del filespec"
NAME filename1 AS filename2 ... same as DOS' "rename filename1 filename2"

  ex. Automatically find the next file number with FREEFILE function
        OPEN "file1" FOR INPUT AS #1
        n% = FREEFILE
        OPEN "file2" FOR INPUT AS #n%

INPUT #1, variable list
WRITE #1, variable list   ... string variables enclosed in " ",
                              and field separated by "," in the file
PRINT #1, variable list   ... the same as what one will see on screen
  try to use WRITE/INPUT combinations
  There is no easy way to write '"'.  Do the following
    q$ = CHR$(34)
    PRINT q$; a$; q$

Steps in using a random acess file
  1. Define a new type, i.e., new record structure
       TYPE newtype
         variable1 AS INTEGER
         variable2 AS STRING*30
         variable3 AS SINGLE
       END TYPE
  2. Declare a variable of new type
       DIM RecordVariable AS newtype
  2. Define the length of each field in a file
       FIELD #1, 2 AS variable1, 30 AS variable2, 4 AS variable3
  3. Open a file
       OPEN "filename" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = LEN(RecordVariable)
       OPEN "filename" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 36
         ... calculate the record length by hand
       record% = LOF(1) \ LEN(RecordVariable)
         ... find the number of record in the file
  4. Read from or write to file
       GET #1, record%, RecordVariable
       GET #1, , RecordVariable                ... move to the next record
       PUT #1, record%+1, RecordVariable
       PUT #1, , RecordVariable                ... move to the next record
  5. Each field in the record variable can be accessed individually
       a% = RecordVariable.variable1
       a$ = RecordVariable.variable2
       a! = RecordVariable.variable3
  6. Close file
       CLOSE #1

A Binary I/O file
  OPEN "filename" FOR BINARY AS #1
  The following are the only ways to input from and output to a binary file.
    GET #1, position%, RecordVariable
    GET #1, , RecordVariable                ... move to the next record
    PUT #1, position%+1, RecordVariable
    PUT #1, , RecordVariable                ... move to the next record
  SEEK #1, position%
  i% = SEEK(1)  ... returns position of next read/write
  i% = LOC(1)   ... returns position of last read/write

Device I/O
  COM1: input and output
  CONS: output only
  KYBD: input only
  LPT1: output only
  SCRN: output only
  ex. OPEN "LPT1:" for OUTPUT AS #1

SHELL "filename"  ... transfer control to filename and execute it
ex. INPUT "Press 1 to execute file1"; resp$
    SELECT CASE resp$
      CASE "1"
        SHELL "file1"


All variables are local by default.
A function/sub can call itself (recursive)
FUNCTION name (list of variables)
  name = ...    ... must have this line
  ... Do not use old version: DEF FN ... END DEF (which uses global variables)
      (Note: FN passes variables by value not reference)
  ... Use function in an expression
  ... Make sure the name matches with the type
      (Try to identify the type of the function with a suffix: $, %, etc.
  ... Arguments are not mandatory.
  ... Do not retrive the content from the variable with the function name
      because QBasic gets confused with recursive functions
      ex. name = name + 1

SUB name (list of variables)
  ... do not use old version: GOSUB ... RETURN (which uses global variables)
  Two ways of calling a subroutine
    CALL sub_name (list of variables)
    sub_name list of variables
      ... no parentheses
      ... must declare DECLARE SUB sub_name before use in the 2nd way
          so that QBasic knows that it is not a variable

argument (when apearing in CALL)

parameters (when appearing in SUB)
  ... fixed-length string variable cannot be a parameter appearing in SUB
  ... array elements cannot be a parameter appearing in SUB
  ... type of the variable can be declared in the parameter list
      ex. SUB abc(a AS INTEGER, b%)

passing an entire array ...
   DIM a(1 TO 100) AS SINGLE
   CALL name(a())              ... note the use of empty parentheses
   SUB name (b() AS SINGLE)

passing individual array elements
   DIM a(1 TO 100) AS SINGLE
   CALL name(a(3))
   SUB name (b)

passing records
  +TYPE newtype1
  |  firstname AS STRING*10
  |  lastname AS STRING*5
  |DIM b AS newtype1
  |  :
  |CALL name (b)
  +SUB name (a AS newtype2)

passing elements in records
  +TYPE newtype1
  |  firstname AS STRING*10
  |  lastname AS STRING*5
  |DIM b AS newtype1
  |  :
  |CALL name (b.firstname, b.lastname)
  +SUB name (a$, b$)

SUB|FUNCTION name (list of variables) STATIC
  ... make all variables used in the subroutine static
      (i.e., they retain their values between calls)
  ... if only a select variable need to be made static, use STATIC statements:
      ex. SUB a
          STATIC i%
          STATIC j%() AS INTEGER     + AS INTEGER must appear in both statements
          DIM j%(1 TO 5) AS INTEGER  +

DECLARE FUNCTION or SUB in a module (not at the procedure level)
  3 cases where DECLARE must be used:
    Case 1:
      DECLARE FUNCTION a(x!,y!) ... must declare
      z! = a(x!,y!)
    Case 2:
      DECLARE SUB a(x!,y!)      ... must declare if not used as CALL
        :                           optional if use CALL
      a x!, y!
    Case 3:
      DECLARE SUB a(x!,y!)      ... must declare if SUB a is not included in
                                    the same module
  ex. DECLARE SUB a()           ... use empty parentheses if no parameters
      CALL a
  ex. DECLARE SUB a(x AS newtype)... include type of variable

$INCLUDE is usually used for:
  DECLARE statements
  TYPE...END TYPE definitions
  COMMON statements
  Do not include function/subroutine definitions in an INCLUDE file.
  ' $INCLUDE: 'filename'

passing arguments by reference
  Address of the variable is passed.  (default)
  While in subroutine, the subroutine's corresponding variable uses the same
    memory location as the variable in the calling statement.
  ex. i% = 1
      CALL a(i%)
      PRINT i%  ... gives 2
      SUB a(j%)
      j% = j%+1.
      END SUB

passing arguments by value
  The content of the variable in the calling statement is copied into another
    memory location that corresponds to the variable in the subroutine.
  Expression in the argument is always passed by value.
    ex. CALL a(2+3)
  To pass a variable by value, enclose it in parentheses (thus, QBasic
    thinks that it is an expression).
    ex. CALL a( (i%) )
  ex. i% = 1
      CALL a( (i%) )
      PRINT i%  ... gives 1
      CALL a(  i%  )
      PRINT i%  ... gives 2
      SUB a(j%)
      j% = j%+1
      END SUB


Metacommands ... begin with "$" and included in comments
      '$INCLUDE: 'file.bi'    (Note: single quotes)

Files ...
  QB.INI ... save changes made to the Displays Dialog Box
  BC file /o;  ... compile
  set lib=c:\qb  ... path for BCOM45.LIB or BRUN45.LIB
  BCOM45.LIB ... library needed to create a stand-alone program
  BRUN45.LIB ... library needed to create an abbreviated program
  BRUN45.EXE ... needed by the abbreviated program at run-time
                 (cannot be in \dpath)

  Watch window
  Help window
  Immediate window  (holds only 10 lines)
  View window

Alt key to highlight menu items.
TAB key to switch between different windows or sections in a menu.
ESC key to cancel, get out of menu, or help
F1  key to get help on any item pointed by the cursor

Undo              Alt+Backspace
Cut Block         Shift+Del
Copy Block        Ctrl+Ins
Paste Block       Shift+Ins
Delete(Clear)     Block Del
SUBs              F2
Next SUB          Shift+F2
Output Screen     F4
Find              Ctrl+\
Last Find         F3
Start Run         Shift+F5
Run/Continue      F5
Step              F8
Instant Watch     Shift+F9
Toggle Breakoint  F9
Help              F1
Help on Help      Shift+F1
Last Help Level   Alt+F1
Switch Window     F6 or Shift+F6
Expand window     Ctrl+F10

Right word        Ctrl+Right
Left word         Ctrl+Left
Top Window        Ctrl+Home
Bottom Window     Ctrl+End
Last Page         PgUp
Next Page         PgDn
Left Page         Ctrl+PgUp
Right Page        Ctrl+Pgdn

mark block        Shift-direction

Del char          Ctrl-BS or Shift+BS

module    ... same as FORTRAN: main program
procedure ... same as FORTRAN: subroutine/function

Only one module/proprocedure can be displayed each time.
  View-SUBs ... shows a list of subroutines

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Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering -- QuickBasic Summary
Forward comments to:
Nam Sun Wang
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-2111
301-405-1910 (voice)
301-314-9126 (FAX)
e-mail: nsw@eng.umd.edu ©1996-1999 by Nam Sun Wang