The QBNews Page 5 Volume 1, Number 3 May 22, 1990 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- W h o y a g o n n a c a l l ? C A L L I N T E R R U P T ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory Swapping by Hector Plasmic You've all seen professional programs that let you Shell to DOS and always return you to the proper drive and subdirectory when you Exit. It's not too hard to implement something similar for your own QuickBASIC programs. QB doesn't have all the functions you need to do it, but DOS can lend a hand via Interrupt. What we need to do is handle all SHELL calls from a common point (Sub). In this Sub, we'll determine the current drive and subdirectory, perform the SHELL, then restore the old drive and subdirectory before Exitting the Sub. Interrupt 21h function 19h returns the number of the current disk drive in register .al as a number (0=A, 1=B, etc.). Interrupt 21h function 47h copies the current directory of the drive # in .dl (0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc.) as an ASCIIZ (null terminated) string into a buffer pointed to by The pathname does not include the drive identifier or a leading backslash. An error can occur if you use an invalid drive specification; this is not likely since we are using the default drive, but if you are using this function to attempt to read the default directory on a drive that may not exist, check the carry flag (IF OutReg.FLAGS AND 1 THEN...oops!). .ax will contain 0Fh (invalid drive spec) if the error occurs. Finally, Interrupt 21h function 0Eh sets the default drive to the drive number passed in register .dx (0=A, 1=B, etc.).This completes the list of DOS functions we'll need to perform our switching. What follows is some sample code to show a practical application of these interrupt functions: DEFINT A-Z TYPE RegType2 AX AS INTEGER BX AS INTEGER CX AS INTEGER DX AS INTEGER BP AS INTEGER SI AS INTEGER DI AS INTEGER Flags AS INTEGER DS AS INTEGER ES AS INTEGER END TYPE 'You must link with QB.LIB (QB.QLB) to use Interrupt functions DECLARE SUB InterruptX (Intr%, InReg AS RegType2, OutReg AS RegType2) The QBNews Page 6 Volume 1, Number 3 May 22, 1990 DECLARE SUB DoShell (Before$, Args$, After$) DoShell "Type EXIT to return", "", "Welcome back" 'Just to test it END SUB DoShell (Before$, Args$, After$)'Declare some stuff to use DIM InReg AS RegType2 DIM OutReg AS RegType2 DIM CurrentDrive AS INTEGER DIM CurrentDir AS STRING * 64 'Get current disk drive InReg.AX = &H19 * 256 InterruptX &H21, InReg, OutReg CurrentDrive = OutReg.AX MOD 256 'Get current directory InReg.AX = &H47 * 256 InReg.DX = CurrentDrive + 1 'Note adding one to drive for this, or 'could use 0 for default drive InReg.DS = VARSEG(CurrentDir) InReg.SI = VARPTR(CurrentDir) InterruptX &H21, InReg, OutReg 'Do the shell IF Before$ <> "" THEN CLS : PRINT Before$ 'Optional SHELL Args$ IF After$ <> "" THEN CLS : PRINT After$ 'Optional 'Change to old disk drive InReg.AX = &HE * 256 InReg.DX = CurrentDrive InterruptX &H21, InReg, OutReg '(InReg.AX MOD 256 is the # of logical drives in the 'system if anyone is interested) 'Change to old subdirectory (Could use Int &H21 func &H3B instead) ToDir$ = CHR$(ASC("A") + CurrentDrive) + ":\" + LEFT$(CurrentDir,_ INSTR(CurrentDir, CHR$(0))) CHDIR ToDir$ END SUB