"the end is near; the end is here" - majiko

Original Articles:
original 6 the NeoBasic monopoly - Skarab
original 5 the KILL command - Skarab
original 4 an interview with marcade - Gopus
original 3 MajiKODE up and running - Gopus
original 2 the problem with mohammed - Gopus
original 1 are all programmers horny at heart? - Gopus
original 0 the LET command - Gopus

QB Inquirer Classic Articles:
article 55 future software hacked by vampires - Skarab
article 54 editorial: project paperclip - 5h4d0w
article 53 coder's block: is there a cure? - JTM
article 52 pentagon hacked - 5h4d0w
article 51 study reveals programmable minds - 5h4d0w
article 50 does coding encourage cannibalism? - Skarab
article 49 El Niņo/Y2K/QB Connection - Skarab
article 48 gates transcends to god status - 5h4d0w
article 47 the new look/news - Skarab
article 46 disgruntled hamster kills coworkers - 5h4d0w
article 45 source so bad it smells - JTM
article 43 exclusive RedMage13 interview - JTM
article 42 missing QB coders - matthew R. knight
article 41 prince/cow droppings/qbasic connectiom - 5h4d0w
article 40 exclusive brian interview - 5h4d0w
article 39 exclusive Hal interview - 5h4d0w
article 38 news update - Gopus
article 37 the QuickBasic gene - JTM
article 36 just a quickie - Skarab
article 35 qbi goes ipo! - Skarab
article 34 the taxing issue at hand - Skarab
article 33 palette hell - matthew R. knight
article 32 birthing gorillas - matthew R. knight
article 31 why doesn't MagnaUnum like Gopus? - Gopus
article 30 gopus is so wasted - Skarab
article 29 the fearing - majiko
article 28 the new QBI - Skarab
article 27 who is mohammed? - Gopus
article 26 are programmers "different"? - Skarab
article 25 is jorden on vacation? - Gopus
article 22 majiko's rant - majiko
article 21 the gerbil revolt revolt - Gopus
article 20 the gerbil takeover - gilbert, gerbil emperor
article 19 KOK - Josh
article 18 interview with zippy - Josh
article 17 interview with big nose - Skarab
article 16 why is c++ better than qb? - Skarab
article 15 the syndicate unveiled! - Skarab
article 14 what should qb expo's mascot be? - Gopus
article 13 ITE: integrated toilet environment - noaliens
article 11 SUBs - Josh
article 10 hax0ring notepad - Chillliwilli
article 9 interview with moj - Gopus
article 8 5 step program for pascal coders - Gopus
article 7 wicked past of neobasic - Skarab
article 6 about QB Times - Gopus
article 5 is there a darkdread cult? - Gopus
article 4 is QB Y2K+1 compliant? - Gopus
article 3 is QB extraterrestrial? - Gopus
article 2 QBI is back - Gopus
article 1 spam and gerbils - Josh

QbInquirer-X Articles:
issue x29: US President Makes Progress - QB90
issue x26: Marcade Denied Visit to Disney World - QB90
issue x25: And There Was News.... - Skarab
issue x24: NeoBASIC Insider Reveals All! - Skarab
issue x23: Marcade's Execution Put Off - MagnaUnum
issue x22: Gopus Dead at Age 28 - Skarab
issue x21: NeoBasic destroys Americans - QB90
issue x20: Confessions of Marcade - Skarab
issue x18: Bush Vetos Ammendment - QB90
issue x17: QBI Underappreciated - Skarab
issue x16: McVeigh and VB - Skarab
issue x15: the Jumping QB Programmer - Skarab
issue x14: Stupid Americans - QB90
issue x13: Dear #quickbasic - QB90
issue x12: NeoBASIC strengthens ties with China - QB90
issue x11: Puerto Ricans no understande el QB - Skarab
issue x10: What is the QB community? - Skarab
issue x9: Do people properly respect Skarab? - Skarab
issue x8: QB and Your Social Life - Skarab
issue x7: the Plot to Destroy QbInquirer - Skarab
issue x6: Marcade declares self Pope - Evilbeavr
issue x5: Jorden Considers QBI a Joke - Gopus (Missing)
issue x4: Is Darkdread a Failure? - Skarab and Gopus
issue x3: Is NeoZones really Neo? - Skarab
issue x2: Lithium takes over #quickbasic - NeoTiger
issue x1: Religious Board to WORSHIP Marcade - Gopus

QBI Notes:
note 1: A Special Note From Skarab
note 2: QbInformer
note 3: Interview with Wafn
note 4: The Full 2nd DarkDread Interview